A quiet Friday...


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Steve Kaluski

Wildlife Moderator
Staff member
Nov 15, 2009
Somewhere in the world

Another frame of one of the Cheetah brothers on a mound chilling out. With hindsight I needed to move the whole fame more to the right, so the subject had more to look into.


Subject: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Location: Massai Mara Kenya
Camera: Canon EOS R3
Lens: EF500mm f/4L IS II USM +1.4x III resting on a bean bag
Exposure: 1/800 at f/8 ISO400 EV +0.67
Original format: Landscape, cropped slightly for presentation
Processed via: Lr 13.0.1 & Ps 25.1.0

An alternative crop?
Good afternoon Steve,

Lovely image, nice expression from this cheetah, was he yawning or just panting on a very hot day? POV is great, IQ as good as always, lovely detail, colours and tones.

I like that the horizon line is not harsh, and runs in line with the subject's neck rather than the face. Regarding crop, I do prefer the second version - good to have more space on the LHS in case he turns to look the other way :bg3::t3

Should you find some images of the two brothers together or interacting, I would love to see.

Enjoyed viewing very much, thank you Steve for sharing:w3

PS. You might remember my cheetah boys at the quarry, near the house... sadly not that nice, the mounds were made up of stone so not looking very natural.
It's a pretty cool image, I like the pose on the small (ant??) hill, I am unsure if I am getting a false representation, currently viewing on a different pc but the cheetah looks very central to me I would have preferred a little more offset to the LHS, I don't see any real difference in the two images, maybe a small slice off the sky.
Cheers Jon.

the cheetah looks very central to me I would have preferred a little more offset

I agree, as per my intro.

I don't see any real difference in the two images, maybe a small slice off the sky.

OP is 3x2, the RP is 16x9.

Surprised no one commented on the horizon going through the subject. Think it's light enough to get away with, not ideal, but no option.
<body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;">
It's a pretty cool image, I like the pose on the small (ant??) hill, I am unsure if I am getting a false representation, currently viewing on a different pc but​


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