Common Snipe

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Dec 10, 2013
Fife, Scotland

Canon 1DX Mk2
f/4 400mm DO Mk2 with 1.4iii
ISO 2500

A couple of days ago I had another trip to the 'Red Grouse Glen' was forecast rain, so I went looking for something different. I captured this Snipe at 0730 on a grey morning, but unfortunately the rain had stopped. I saw it perched at the side of the track I was driving on, switched the engine off, then free wheeled to where the bird was perched...I was actually too close with the 1.4 attached. I managed a few shots, the bird hardly flinched except for when it heard the camera. This was unusual, as these birds are usually difficult to get close to. Anyhoo I decided to take a chance and remove the extender.....The bird flew...

I had time to try different exposure settings, and found this one to be similar to the conditions at the time. HH ACR and PS2020

A really nice shot from my angle Will. Quite blue on the underside, which appears true to the bird and is very pretty. I've only seen Wilson's in my area and upon research this one has many similarities, compared to the Common. Curious on your ID keys here for learning's sake? (I read here:

HA, details in the bird and the lichen/moss on the perch does well for me. It feels just a smidge tight on the left and top but you can take or leave crop suggestions no doubt.

Appreciate you sharing!
A really nice shot from my angle Will. Quite blue on the underside, which appears true to the bird and is very pretty. I've only seen Wilson's in my area and upon research this one has many similarities, compared to the Common. Curious on your ID keys here for learning's sake? (I read here:

HA, details in the bird and the lichen/moss on the perch does well for me. It feels just a smidge tight on the left and top but you can take or leave crop suggestions no doubt.

Appreciate you sharing!

Thanks for that Brian...Interesting read....Wished it had been a Wilson's...that would cause quite a stir here. Everytime I go to the Glen, I always have visualised getting 'The Snipe on the Post' shot...So I was more than happy...just wished I had the chance to move further away from the subject, the rain never stopped, and had a chance with the bare lens...Maybe next time.

nice HA and lots of sharp close up details. nice soft light. too big in the frame for me and it;s a shame we can't see the feet, perch is OK but becomes somewhat distracting where it becomes OOF. I'd warm up the color balance a bit

Hi Will, can only echo Arash's thoughts, but for me, this is the best PP image, whatever you have 'tweaked' keep it, looks really super! :cheers:
Hi Wil, lovely Snipe that are pretty rare here and when seen almost always in deep cover. The bird looks great, I also wish I could see the feet and that the perch was more in focus. Thank you for sharing.
Love this and agree this would have been killer if the tele had been removed.
Excellent details and love the moss on the post but wish that was a bit more in focus.
A great look at this long-billed beauty. I agree with Arash. If the subject had perched at the very top of the post, and on the near side of it, that would have been so good. Fantastic details!

Brian, the Wilson's and Common Snipe were once considered the same species (Common), but were split a few years ago between the new-world and old-world birds.
The pose and detail on the bird are great. I like the framing as well. Yes a view of the feet would have been nice. But not always possible i know.

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