- NIKON D5 Ver.1.10
Dear Friends,
Thought I'd entertain you a bit tonight so here's a Blackbacked Jackal earning his breakfast:bg3:
Image was captured in the Kalahari in March this year. It was very entertaining to watch but quite difficult to grab a decent shot because of the agility and speed of this little predator. As well as his unpredictable behaviour. The jackal was hiding behind the rocks on the other side of the waterhole so we could not see him, he was most probably lying flat. As soon as a number of birds gathered at the waterhole to drink he jumped up with his mouth open and tried to grab whatever flew closest to his mouth. There were various avian species around, like Namaqua Sandgrouse, Canaries and Weavers, but he seemed to prefer Doves. This is perhaps because they arrived in great numbers and got quite confused when he sprung into the air, often flying into each other or falling into the water. Or maybe they were just tasty:w3
A couple of interesting facts, the Blackbacked Jackal is one of few mammals that mate for life and both male and female help raise the young. Males are slightly larger than females. Their call is very noticeable and unique and they use it to stay in contact or advertise their territorial status. Family members ignore calls from neighbouring jackals and only respond to members of their clan, they usually forage alone but sometimes in pairs. Blackbacked Jackals seem to separate during the day and reassemble late in the afternoon. Pups are incredibly cute and agile and the adults are very caring towards them.
In ancient Egypt god Anubis had a jackal head, he was responsible for guiding the dead to the judges and to preside over embalmment. As carrion eaters their presence near death must have resulted in this association, the Jackal therefore features prominently in ancient Egyptian art and hieroglyphics.
Nikon D5
Nikon 500mmF4
ISO 1000
Hope you enjoy this scene as much as I did. Not a great image but in all honesty I do not think I could have done better. There were other vehicles at the waterhole so not a chance to look for a better spot. It was past 9 am so light not ideal. More DoF might have been good but I really needed the SS and did not want to push ISO too much even though I know the camera can take it. I had no idea where the little villain would pop up from so just glad I managed to grab a few shots:tinysmile_shy_t:
Thank you so much for viewing, and I would appreciate any comments and suggestions.
Hope you all have an awesome week ahead,
Kind regards,