Julie Kenward
Time for another tutorial! There are lots of ways to make a duotone (black + one other color), tritone (black + two other colors) or quadtone (black & three other colors) image. You can certainly download a free duotone action (there's a good one at www.atncentral.com) or you can follow along and try something like this!
The first step is to find an image that will be a good candidate. If an image looks good in black and white then it will generally work well for a duo/tri/quadtone image as well. What you're looking for is an image with a good variety of lights and darks. (Hint: This is also a great way to save an image that is either overly saturated in color or very bland - both lend themselves well to this process.)
So let's get started!
The first step is to find an image that will be a good candidate. If an image looks good in black and white then it will generally work well for a duo/tri/quadtone image as well. What you're looking for is an image with a good variety of lights and darks. (Hint: This is also a great way to save an image that is either overly saturated in color or very bland - both lend themselves well to this process.)
So let's get started!