England suggestions (day trips from London area)?


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Roger Clark

Feb 25, 2008
I'll be in London for a week in late July. I would like to get out of town to some place I can walk in the woods and potentially photograph nice scenery and/or birds or other wildlife. I wasn't planning on a car, so a train destination would be nice, although I could get a car (I have driven in London and surrounding areas on other trips).
Also, are there some suggested parks in London with good birding photography potential? I'm staying in the Kensington area. Potential opportunities will influence what I bring; max I'll carry on this trip would be a 300 f/2.8 IS.

Also, what is the carry-on situation at Heathrow these days? I'll be taking the chunnel train from Paris, then flying out of Heathrow on United.

Hi Roger,

Although I don't live in London anymore, I did live ther for a few years so hopefully I can help with some locations in London itself. The main parks in the centre and on the outskirts will have ponds which attract semi tame dirds such as grey heron, mallard duck, coots and moorhen.The closest parks to you will be in the centre such as Hyde Park and St James Park.

The other option is the Barnes Wetlands Centre run by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. This is close to where you are staying, but you will need to take the tube to Hammersmith and then catch the 'Duck Bus' accross the hammersmith bridge to the centre. This is a standard bus route, but it stops directly outside the centre. Visit the trust website for more details and travel instructions www.wwt.org.uk. Richmond park is nearby where you can see red and fallow deer close up with ponds located in the centre of the park. Although not very attractive another option is the Walthamstow Resevoirs in the north east of London. Once again you can get their by tube, it has a large grey Heronry which are quite used to people as the resevoirs are popular with fishermen. Hampstead Heath in north London is another place to visit for ponds and views over London. Lee Valley north east of london has wetlands and woodlands.More info on Lee valley at www.leevalleypark.org.uk.

Your 300mm lens will be ok, better if you have a 1.4 converter to go with it. Most birds and wildlife in UK very timid. Check the latest carry on restrictions for heathrow at www.heathrowairport.com. Have changed recently and may also vary with airline so best to check with both.

Hope this helps and enjoy your stay,


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