Golden eagle landing

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Nov 4, 2024
Tehran, IRN

Hi folks

This was my first experience of photography golden eagle from inside car. As this species is very cautious here, I thought it wouldn't be applicable. I covered all the other windows and darkent inside the car as much as possible. I was surprised how much it worked so well and the birds didn't pay attention to the car at all. even one time sat next to my car.

Attracted with bait.

Thanks for looking. Comments and suggestions warmly welcomed.

Cheers Amir

Super capture, I feel the eagle is a little too red and the background rather bright, I attach a modification for your consideration - (maybe this is not how you wished to present it?)
ps: the best way to get comments on your images is to comment on as many images from other folks as you can manage.

Thanks a lot Arthur for your advice. I really like to communicate with others about my favorite subject which is wildlife photography, but as my English is not that good, it is some kind of challenging to me. But anyway I will do you best to contribute more from now on.

View attachment 231072
Super capture, I feel the eagle is a little too red and the background rather bright, I attach a modification for your consideration - (maybe this is not how you wished to present it?)
View attachment 231072
Super capture, I feel the eagle is a little too red and the background rather bright, I attach a modification for your consideration - (maybe this is not how you wished to present it?)
Dear Jonathan,
I really appreciate your time.

Since there was high contrast between the bird and background, I compensated the exposure to high so the back was too bright in the photo and when I was editing it, I feel this bright background cause more emphasis on the subject and I like it. Regarding the red cast, I think you are right. But honestly I am not ok with your version. Maybe my monitor is not calibrated.

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