Hello from Indiana


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Sep 29, 2024
Fort Wayne
I began my photography journey as a way to improve my health. I never knew I had any artistic ability all my life. I bought my first camera in November of 2023. Finding photography was the most amazing experience, because it opened up a flood of artistic opportunities that I had never experienced before. I've regained much of my health and photography has grown to an all-consuming passion that drives me to learn and improve my skills every day. If I don't get a camera in my hand for at least a few minutes every day, I feel like I've wasted the day! Now I live to get shots like this one of a Great Egret in flight from a couple weeks back. ;)
Egret Flight 1 sm wWM.jpg
Hi Chuck! Awesome! Bird photography is such a great (and addictive) hobby! Glad you are enjoying it, and welcome to BPN.
Thank you! I've only been on my photography journey since last October. In fact, I bought my first camera in November last year. It's been a fun and amazing ride so far, and I enjoy learning something new every day! Glad to be here.
PS...since I see I noticed you're from Canada, this fellow Canadian asked me to let you know he'll be home soon, and he needs a hug! :)

Canada Goose 2 sm wWM.JPG
Thanks for your kind words, Alan. It's a lot easier to learn when you are having a lot of fun doing it for sure. I have a science and technical background, so I find the technical aspects of photography fascinating. It took me a bit to find my photographer's eye, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. The funny thing is I love to take photos of everything but people. Somehow portrait photography just has zero appeal to me. Maybe that'll change at some point, but there are sure enough beautiful things in nature to keep me occupied in the meantime. My only downside has been the serious case of G.A.S. I've acquired. Although, I've started to settle on Nikon as my main system. I still really like MFT and I use my OM-1 and Lumix G95 pretty regularly. Good thing my wife is rich! :)

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