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Tim Rogers

Apr 23, 2014
Naples FL
Hi Tim, herons are always the stalwarts for bird portraits at my regular shooting location, plus it helps that the remain stationary 95% of the time...

The water pattern is interesting, but I think the top down angle and leafy branch aren't optimal for the shot. But I also know that sometimes you just can't get down low at the water's edge. It also seems that the crown is a bit bright, to the point where it may not be blown but it loses detail. Perhaps that could be remedied with some local burning.

Dave G.
Tim, the overall presentation appears a little dark contrasty and saturated to me, this is a purely personal observation, I appreciate folks over in USA like things like that, so if you like things like that just ignore me.
The biggest issue for the image is the angle from which it is taken, ideally and in general I would suggest try to get the subject in the frame at eye height, this applies to all natural history subjects, though on occasion the "rules" can be broken and for good effect
I love the water pattern, and the leaves at top. Not a fan of the trunk sticking out of the heron's behind, or the crop with the reflection neck cut off. Perhaps come in even tighter from below - enough to fully exclude the neck. Tough one due to the downward shooting angle. Looks sharp enough, and the lush greens look good too.

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