Hello! I'm a senior in high school and have this daunting challenge of finding something I truly am passionate about and want to do for a living. I have just started taking interest in pictures especially on instagram and tumblr, I'm new to both also. I have no idea how people take some of those pictures, I know creativity comes in hand and being exceptional and a connoisseur at their art style is a necessity but what software or application skills do I need to acquire to put something I ponder or conjure up spontaneously up in my head to film or a print? Any particular degrees or programs. Much appreciated if any advice that entails specifically what I'm looking for.
And any professionals in this field, what are good brands to purchase; cameras, video recorders, filters, editing programs and schools to attend. I want to have my life centered around this and fully immersed if this is the route I plan to venture. I know it will be a wild escapade but I willing to challenge myself and strive for excellence and to stay optimistic and ambitious. I will not be easily discouraged. I do not wish to partake on this for instagram fame or tumblr likes, I just am fascinated and inspired by these pictures that showcase the amazing world that I want to travel and see and I would love to travel and have everyday be an adventure!
And any professionals in this field, what are good brands to purchase; cameras, video recorders, filters, editing programs and schools to attend. I want to have my life centered around this and fully immersed if this is the route I plan to venture. I know it will be a wild escapade but I willing to challenge myself and strive for excellence and to stay optimistic and ambitious. I will not be easily discouraged. I do not wish to partake on this for instagram fame or tumblr likes, I just am fascinated and inspired by these pictures that showcase the amazing world that I want to travel and see and I would love to travel and have everyday be an adventure!