James Shadle
Out Of The Box, In Camera and Post Processing Techniques
Not every image conforms to the so called "rules" of photography. This forum is dedicated to breaking out of the box of conformity. Post Avian, Wildlife, Macro/Flora, Landscapes and nature images with hand of man elements that will expose us to new ideas. This forum is for OOTB images modified or created using post processing techniques and / or images created entirely in camera, including toned, desaturated, hand colored and infra red etc.
Image Guidelines, Posting Instructions
Not every image conforms to the so called "rules" of photography. This forum is dedicated to breaking out of the box of conformity. Post Avian, Wildlife, Macro/Flora, Landscapes and nature images with hand of man elements that will expose us to new ideas. This forum is for OOTB images modified or created using post processing techniques and / or images created entirely in camera, including toned, desaturated, hand colored and infra red etc.
Image Guidelines, Posting Instructions
Members have entitled use of BPN's hosting service. Please follow the instructions below to use this service.
Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1200 pixels on the horizontal or 900 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 400 kb. Members may post one image per forum, every 24 hours.
Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1200 pixels on the horizontal or 900 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 400 kb. Members may post one image per forum, every 24 hours.
- Click on "New Thread" in the forum of your choice.
- When window is open you will see a section "Additional Options", click on "Manage Attachments"
- When attachment window opens you will see a "browse" button. This is the one you will most likely use to upload an image from your computer to the host computer paying close attention to the posting guidelines for size, etc. Once you find the file on your computer click the upload button to the right of the browse button.
- After upload is complete, go to your message window and fill in your "Title" then in the "Message Window" give as much info as you can to help those who will critique your image. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings(ISO, f/stop, Shutter speed, support, flash etc.) time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact.If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post. Anything else you can think of? If no -"Preview Post".
- Clicking "Preview Post" first will show you what everyone who opens your post will see. If there is something missing, go back to your open window and add it, then click Preview Post again....do this until you are satisfied with your post, then click Submit.
Forum Participants may post images but do not qualify to use BPN's hosting service. Posted images must be "inserted" by linking to another hosting service. Please follow the instructions below to do so.
Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1200 pixels on the horizontal or 900 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 400 kb. Forum Participants may post one image per forum, every 48 hours.
Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1200 pixels on the horizontal or 900 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 400 kb. Forum Participants may post one image per forum, every 48 hours.
- Click on "New Thread" in the forum of your choice.Left click the "Insert Image" button in the tool bar
- The button is square with a tree icon. The words "Insert Image" will appear when you mouse over the button.
- Copy URL including http:// of hosted image and click OK.
- After inserting your image, go to your message window and fill in your "Title" then in the "Message Window" give as much info as you can to help those who will critique your image. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings(ISO, f/stop, Shutter speed, support, flash etc.) time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact.If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post. Anything else you can think of? If no -"Preview Post".
Posting Images from Flickr
Flickr has changed the way they give you the links for sharing images on other sites. Here are some brief instructions that will show the image in the post instead of just a link.
First Way
1) Login to your Flickr account
2) Select image
3) Actions - View All Sizes
4) Select size image you want to post to BPN. (1200px max size wide (left number) or 900px max size high (right number))
5) If using Firefox - Right click on "Download the _____ size of this photo" link.
5a) Click Copy Link Location
5.2) Internet explorer – right click on image, select properties, Copy the text in the “Address:”
6) You can use that link location that was copied and paste into the Insert Image or Attachments dialog on BPN
Second Way
1) Login to your Flickr account
2) Select image
3) Click Share This - Grab the HTML/BBCode
4) Select the Image size you want to post from the dropdown box
5) Select BBCode
6) Select and Copy the code they give you which looks something like this:
[ url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisober/5133495270/][ img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4088/5133495270_ebeffbf0a9_b.jpg[/img][/url]
[ url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisober/5133495270/]Ober_20101025_5035[/url] by [ url=http://www.flickr.com/people/chrisober/]cober[/url], on Flickr
7) Paste this into the body of the message on BPN
All you really need from the lengthy code they give you is the part that looks like Code:
[ img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4088/5133495270_ebeffbf0a9_b.jpg[/img]
which can be pasted directly into the body of the message. Or use the file path part without the the IMG /IMG tags and the attachments or insert image dialogs.
Thumbnails for images hosted "off site" are not available. Our system can only generate thumbnails for images hosted on BPN's server.
Help Us, Help You
Posting an image for critique is an excellent way to rapidly improve any photographers ability to create beautiful images. You can help those offering image critiques by listing details of the capture process. Listed below are some of the details to include in your post that will help you receive the best critique possible
Thought Process
- Were you creating a Portrait?
- An Environmental Image etc.
- What obstacles did you face in creating your image?
- Location
- If an animal, what species? Was your subject captive? Did you attract your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or any other means?
- Was your image significantly altered by adding or removing elements of the composition post shutter?
- Time of day, weather conditions etc
- Camera Type and Model
- Lens Focal Length and Model
- ISO, Metering Mode, Exposure Mode
- Exposure Compensation (if used)
- Shutter Speed, Aperture
- Focus Mode
- Tripod, Tripod Head
- Flash, Flash Settings
Post Processing
- Crop
- Levels/Curves
- Noise Reduction
- Cloning or other modification
Birdphotographers.net Forum Guidelines
Birdphotographers.net (BPN) is an international nature photography discussion forum and e-zine focused on providing a fun learning experience through honest but gentle image critiques.
BPN: BirdPhotographers.net, User: Anyone who registers with BPN, Members: Anyone who registers with BPN and pays annual dues.
1. By registering with BirdPhotographers.net, you agree to abide by the BPN Guidelines and Forum Rules of Use.
2. Registration is required to access the forums; there is no charge to register.
3. Registration is required to post and comment in the forums. Membership is required to use the BPN image hosting service. Interested in becoming a member? Follow this link to subscribe. http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/payments.php
4. You must register using your real name, first and last. You may not register with multiple identities.
5. By posting images or messages on BPN you give the forum owners and maintainers permission to
permanently store all message content, to present it for public viewing, and to delete, move or modify it.
6. a)By posting images to BPN you give the BPN staff, users and members permission to download and modify any image submitted for critiquing. The sole purpose for downloading an image is so that it can be modified for instructional purposes only and then be re-posted in the original thread. The photographer is the copyright owner and retains all rights. Modified images may not be used for any purpose other than for instructional use at BPN.
b)Other than images re-posted for instructional purposes, no one may post an image unless they are the copyright holder.
7. Any and all images posted on BPN will maintain the copyright of the photographer.
8. You agree to post only content that you have copyright for. BPN is not responsible for the content of any uploaded files.
9. All messages express the views of the author, and not those of BPN. BPN will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
10. Administrators and Moderators are entrusted with the ability and responsibility of removing objectionable and/or off topic posts. A warning may be sent to the offending party or parties involved. If the rule violations are severe, or if they continue after a warning, a user's privileges to access BPN can be terminated without notice.
11. By posting on BPN you agree not to post any content that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, rude, racist, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, obscene, profane, pornographic or otherwise in violation of any law.
12. Direct selling, promotion or advertising of any product and/or service in the Forums is strictly forbidden.
13. Private Messaging is for personal use only - using it to solicit business or as a mass-marketing tool is forbidden. All forum rules apply to Private Messaging including but not limited to- not harassing, agitating, showing hostility towards or being persistently unpleasant or argumentative to another user or Staff Member.
14. Personal Messages (PM) between users or PM between a user and moderator are not to be discussed in public with out the consent of both parties. Moderators may freely share PM content with other moderators as long as it relates to forum business.
15. Members nor Users will be permitted to restrict or inhibit any other member or user from using and enjoying the forum by harassing, agitating, showing hostility towards or being persistently unpleasant or argumentative . If BPN Administrators or Moderators determine that a user has violated this rule, a warning may be sent to the offending party. If the violations are severe, or if they continue after a warning, a user's privileges to access BPN can and will be terminated without notice.
16. If asked by a BPN Administrator or forum Moderator to cease posting content deemed offensive, objectionable, off topic or in poor taste by said Administrator forum Moderator, you must agree to do so.
17. BPN reserves the right to deny or revoke any membership as deemed necessary by the Membership Committee.
18. Images should not exceed 250 kilobytes nor should they exceed 1024 pixels on the horizontal side or 800 pixels on the vertical side.
19. Posted images should be in JPG format. Only one image per post panel please.
20. Members may post only one image in each forum in a twenty-four hour period. Forum Contributors may post one image in each forum in a forty-eight hour period.
21. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings, time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact. If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post.
22. Signatures are available to members only. The purpose of a “signature” is to allow self promotion. Only 2 statement lines and 3 links are permitted. If you have three links one must point to your BPN personal album. The links must be of a self-promotional nature; links to other forums or commercial web sites are not permitted. All signatures must be in black and a font no larger than “3”.
Only members may post links, other than a single link pointing to an image for critique.
23. Do not "bump up" or intentionally increase the view count on your posted images.
24. Posted images may not have any logos or graphics other than a discreet copyright notice.
25. The forum rules and guidelines are subject to change without notice.
26. Have Fun!
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