Images details and sharpness looks not as good as they are

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Jan van Holten

Well-known member
Mar 20, 2020
Holland, Europe
Became not so long ago a member of BPN. What I have noticed is that many images don't seem to be shown at the quality wich I'll presume they are?? I mean, my own images are losing some of the details and sharpness wich is there certainly in the original. But I'll see many others to.
Does this has to do with the size of the frame images are displayed on BPN? I hope you understand what I mean (sorry for my not perfect English).
If the frame was lets say about 10-15 % smaller, then the photograph looks better. I know it is not the first time this is mentioned, but personally I would prefer that. Bigger is not always better..... or ........less is more:bg3:.

Thank you.
Jan, you are saying that your images are loosing IQ during posting, therefore it's somewhere in you workflow and uploading, because otherwise everyone else would be in the same situation. Can I therefore suggest you provide how your prepare your image for web presentation and how you upload the file. Also what do you use in terms of Software ie Photoshop CC 2020 to process your files with. Can we assume you are shooting RAW RGB, convert to 16bit tiff and Save As sRGB for web?

Jan, you are saying that your images are loosing IQ during posting, therefore it's somewhere in you workflow and uploading, because otherwise everyone else would be in the same situation. Can I therefore suggest you provide how your prepare your image for web presentation and how you upload the file. Also what do you use in terms of Software ie Photoshop CC 2020 to process your files with. Can we assume you are shooting RAW RGB, convert to 16bit tiff and Save As sRGB for web?


I'am shooting in Raw and using COP to do the usual stuff. Export them to Photoshop (JPG) Then resizing and sharpening. A very common workflow I'll guess? All in sRGB for web of course.
What I've seen is that there are many more photographs wich I think have lost some details. What I'am talking about is mainly some loss of detail, it's not that crispy!! This is my idea, but possibly this is what it looks like at this size images. My reference is facebook on with the images looks more sharp/detailed. So, something to do with the framesize????
Can be a lack of knowledge from my side, tell me. Or maybe, ...please check my images and are my expectations to high??

Capture One Pro, Topaz Denoise, Photoshop is what I use.

My reference is facebook on with the images looks more sharp/detailed.

I would not use this as a reference point.

Capture One Pro, Topaz Denoise, Photoshop is what I use.

What version of PS?

Export them to Photoshop (JPG)

Why export as a JPEG and not 16bit Tiff? Export from COP as 16 bit Tiff, crop/resize ie Landscape 1600, 1920 wide... Portrait say 1200 or 1600 high, sharpen and Save As via PSCC. Use PSCC - File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) ensure all relevant check boxes are checked, Optimise to say 590kb, Save. Save the file either to the Desktop or relevant folder.

When you post, write text, then scroll down to Manage, click and a window pops up, select image, upload then post, note this is from memory.

If the Master file is sharp, then providing all is good with Save for Web and the image is sharp (perceptual), then there should not be an issue. When you crop, is it a large crop, is the file well exposed?


PS If you want to send me a file you have prepped for Web then drop me a line with your email.
Hi Jan and Steve ... to shed some light to Steve , Jan is using Photoshop Elements , no save for web in that version .

And Jan I can only Steve´s thoughts about your workflow ... not ideal for high quality output .

And Facebook should not be the reference .... IMHO . The level is quite high here in BPN .... so I would suggest to overthink your workflow .

Cheers Andreas
I would not use this as a reference point.

What version of PS?

Why export as a JPEG and not 16bit Tiff? Export from COP as 16 bit Tiff, crop/resize ie Landscape 1600, 1920 wide... Portrait say 1200 or 1600 high, sharpen and Save As via PSCC. Use PSCC - File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) ensure all relevant check boxes are checked, Optimise to say 590kb, Save. Save the file either to the Desktop or relevant folder.

When you post, write text, then scroll down to Manage, click and a window pops up, select image, upload then post, note this is from memory.

If the Master file is sharp, then providing all is good with Save for Web and the image is sharp (perceptual), then there should not be an issue. When you crop, is it a large crop, is the file well exposed?


PS If you want to send me a file you have prepped for Web then drop me a line with your email.

Hi Steve, thanks for the help. I was thinking that going from a Tiff to a JPG should cause problems, but it seems it workes. Also thought that the longest side was maximum 1500 pixels. My third attempt was again much better. Cropping is something I don't do often and only minor. It's spending a lot of time getting closer to the subject, the old fashioned way:S3:.
Although I photograph already for a pretty long time, this was kind of new to me.
If you have Capture One Pro 20 ..... and you only use PS FOR SHARPENING AND DUST REMOVAL ... well a very expensive way to sharpen and remove some dust .
Can be done inside Capture One .... no need of PS . You can even use 3rd Party plugins inside Capture One .... like Topaz Denoise

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