Jackal hunting doves (3 of 3)


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Duncan Groenewald

BPN Member
Sep 5, 2021
Getting up close and personal... my favourite out of this sequence
Hi Duncan, out of all three, this is the one that works for me. The head of the Jackal is clear, sharp and with the open mouth, it would be hard not to know what is happening. You don't say if this is FF or cropped, but if you had more of the doves in the front rather than wing tips that would be nice. The overlapping wing on the jaw is a bit unfortunate, but instances like this you have zero control over.

I assume this is in the Kalahari, at a pan where often Doves and other birds drink from and Jackals lay in wait?

For future, you can add all three images in one post, rather than posting three individual posts, plus don't forget to add your thoughts to other postings/treads, its great way to build the Community. We suggest replying to 3-5 posts to one new thread.

Finally, just check that when you export the file for web, it has an sRGB profile embedded, this will avoid any colour shift and is the correct profile for web presentation.

Look forward to more.

They're cropped a little - it's pretty explosive fast action to follow so unfortunately ended up a little close to the front of the frame. I removed the wingtips but then attached the original !

I did try attaching the three to a single post but got an error saying only one image is allowed when trying to attach a second image. Seems the 1920x1920 size restriction no longer applies though.

Strange on this reply I can't attach the edited image - will only allow me to post a link. Not sure if that's a restriction or a bug as I seemed to be able to post additional images in replies to the lanner falcon image.
Well that's weird - when I wrote the reply above it said I need to create an account to post - seems I got logged out or something. Anyway logged in to find my post was posted !?

And now it's letting me attach an image. Unfortunately the head was just into the shadows - but sometimes you just have to take what you can get.

DGB_20240710_1_5858_3_DxD copy.jpg
They're cropped a little - it's pretty explosive fast action to follow so unfortunately ended up a little close to the front of the frame.

This is where stepping back and cropping is a better option at times, irrespective of only having 24mpx which is more than enough even for cropping for Social Media.

Can't see why you cannot attach a revised file as you simple hit 'Attach files' button, no bug.
So also noted that the last image I posted was a 4K image but when subsequently viewing it in the post is appears to have been significantly downsampled - is that automatically done by the new forum site software ?
This is where stepping back and cropping is a better option at times, irrespective of only having 24mpx which is more than enough even for cropping for Social Media.

Can't see why you cannot attach a revised file as you simple hit 'Attach files' button, no bug.
Stepping back - tricky if you want to avoid becoming lion food 🤣🦁

Yes a 300/2.8 + 1.4TC would have been ideal. Next time...

And yes it was in Kgalagadi.
Sir they are all WOW however i agree this is the best. Does the second image have a little more room to the left because i also really like that one. Cubitje Quap waterhole i presume? I also agree that a 300 with 1.4 would have made these great images even better. Great images in my opinion
Inspired I decided to do bit of an edit, which normally couldn't be bothered with. I added a bit of space to the front using a couple of later frames and reverted to 4:3.

The second image is probably a more accurate reflection of the chaos that is the hunt. Here they look like friends having a bit of fun.

And yes there was some space around #2 which I have touched up a little.
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Hi Duncan ... killer shot of a classical Kalahari scene , way too long ago that I have been there !!!
Perfect timing and the colors do look very nice and realistic .
I very much enjoyed viewing the shot(s)

Maybe too much at a time , when you post different versions .... might be just me .

TFS Andreas

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