Kamtschatka Brown Bear ... running


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Aug 25, 2010
Dortmund / Germany

Hi folks ... for a change an older image from Kamtschatka with old gear .
Looks like the Bear was running at me ... but he was actually running for Salmon that seemed to win right in front of me .
One of my best ever photographic adventures the 12 days on Kamtschatka .... it was just Brown Bears on steroids

Canon EOS 1Dx II
EF 500 IS L II + 1,4 TC III

F 5,6 ; Iso 1600 ; 1/2000 sec

Processed with Capture One and PSCC 2023 ; shot too tight I had to add a bit of canvas on top and both sides to make it decently work

Thanks for looking and commenting to my previous threads .

Cheers Andreas
HI Andreas, gorgeous image, what an experience it must have been to capture this image. I think many times the old gear is better the the new. I cannot see how you could improve this image. Thank you for sharing.
Cracking shot Andreas, the low POV with direct eye and water splashes make for an engaging image! :cheers:

Kamtschatka still remains on my bucket list and really regret not going when we lived in Switzerland for 8 yrs.
Hello Boetie Andreas,

Glad you found another 'gem' in those old folders! There had to be more:w3

Nothing wrong with old gear...Superb capture of this bear running, love the splash and water droplets too. Nice rich colours and great detail, it all works!

PS. Did he get that salmon?:S3:

Kind regards,
hi Andreas,

I thought it was going to come off the screen and jump on me :) congratulations.

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