Knot Flock

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Rich Steel

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
New Brighton, UK

The flocks of knot are steadily building on the local beach and I am now regularly encountering groups of 5000 + birds. I don't often do flock photography as I don't find it particularly easy. So I am taking 3 days leave from work next week , as the tides are large, to see what I can do with them. I am really looking foward to it ,especially as my good friend Andy Rouse will be coming up to share in the fun. Last time I went out for them I decided to see how close a flock on the beach would let me get, which is about within 25 yards, if your lying in the mud. I did some photos and suddenly the whole flock of around 7000 birds took off and went straight over me. To have that many birds flying past 3ft above your head is quite an experience for both the eyes and ears!!

This photo is a part of one of the flocks flying past the new offshore windfarm.


Taken with 1Dmk3 and 500mm lens at ISO400 F5.6 1/640s.


I love it......especially with the wind turbines in the BG and waves. What I wouldn't give to see a flock of that size some day. It is definitely going to be worth the time and trouble to get interesting images such as this over the next few days. As much as I love this one.....I think I might have liked it with a smaller lens to show the "end" of the flock and give me an even bigger sense of the flock. Good luck.....and please post more of these flocks....I really want to see what you've gotten.
Hi Rich looks like you will be having some fun !!! Pleas give Andy a hug for me !!!

Agree with Lana on the wider image. Do like the image as presented and the turbines do give it a special look !!!

One suggestion ... if you come up with a huge flock and they are mostly with birds you can go tight with a 600 and converter, shoot at f 64 for dof and crank up the ISO as much as you need for obtaining a high enough shutter speed. Even at ISO 6400 the image will look very good !!!!
Thanks for the replies and suggestions. There will certainly be a lot of experimenting going on over the three days, I just hope the weather is kind !

Al I will pass your regards on to Andy :)


.... btw keep a safe distance for the hug ..... ask Andy what transpired with a waitress at Bosque during his visit. .... at the Brewery if he doesn't remember !!! Andy does have a fine sense of humor :)
I don't think the turbines add much to the image except a sense of place. I think the drama in the image is the large flock of birds and the rolling waves. Putting in the turbines adds an unecessary distraction to my eye and takes away from the overall impact. I would crop the image down a reasonable distance above the flock and take out the turbines bases.
This is very nice habitat image Rich. Love the patterns. I would remove the single fan on the left!!

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