Thanks Andreas, it would appear I kept things a little too low key.
I have bought a new Tragopan hide which I will be installing before too long, however heavy snow is due so it won't be in the next day or so. It is the large hide so I can sit down or lie on the ground and Pam can sit with me and watch nature too.
The lighting should be better from the new direction and I am hoping to get more low level shots. I have installed a couple of large perches and a hedge in the hope I can get Magpies Crows and Rooks - maybe the odd Jay - you never know there is a Kesterel and Sparrowhawk about too. The hedge will act as refuge for the smaller passerines. The Redwings and Fieldfares are in the adjacent field to ours - hundreds of them - just need them to come through the cattle fence and onto our patch! I will concentrate intially on perches - portraits and flight and ground feeding then consider installing the reflection pool.
We have a 30m x 20m pond which has a few plants in we will be adding more in spring.... lots (Kgs) of wildflower seeds have been sown, a fruit orchard and close to 400 small trees planted - need to get about 100 more....... just hoping next time there is a blizzard I remember to put the hide in the garage!!!
Busy times ahaead - hoping for a few more migrants to drop in.