Glenn Pure
Well-known member

- Canon EOS 80D
- EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM
- ƒ/7.1
- 400mm
- 1/60s
- ISO 1250
- Glenn Pure
- Flash not fired
- Sat, 06 May 2017 2:54 PM
- +61 434 862662
- Digital Photo Professional
As mentioned some time ago, I don't really have anything new in my folders to post and very few opportunities back home to bring to you (but maybe I should get out chasing the kangaroos again?). This is from the same sequence as an image I posted not long after joining BPN as an active contributor. However, this one is posted larger now the size limit has been increased so I hope it adds a little. This encounter, just a few minutes from our camp in the Savute, Botswana, was a lovely opportunity and I got a few nice frames from it. Taken around dawn in poor light. Some of the earlier shots were done at 1/20 sec handheld. Steve would be horrified but a few worked out. Techs on this one aren't a lot better. In case you are wondering, the ground was sloping and I've preserved that here. It was taken next to the den entrance.
I think my membership here expires in a month or two and due to lack of stuff to contribute and other activities, I probably won't renew but may be back again in the future -especially after my trip to Antarctica and Patagonia next Feb/Mar. One of the things that will keep me busy is that I'm organising Australia's first national bird photography competition in concert with Birdlife Australia. Hope to post an announcement on BPN soon in the appropriate forum - it will be open internationally although limited to Aussie birds.
Thanks for looking and your frank critiques - and for all the great interaction and patience with me since I started contributing. In spite of exchanges that might suggest otherwise, I have learnt from the interaction. The Wildlife forum is definitely one I've enjoyed a great deal even though I initially came here for Avian. You have a great little community here and I will visit even after my m'ship expires.
Techs: Canon 80D with 100-400 EF MkII at 400mm, 1/60 sec, f7.1, ISO 1250. Processed in DPP4 and PSE using Neat Image plugin for NR. Digital Lens Optimiser applied in DPP along with tone curve adjustments. Default NR in DPP reduced to improve detail. Once in PSE, I applied Neat Image to cubs (at very modest level) along with some sharpening and stronger NR to background. Cub on right of image was a fraction soft due to DOF so some USM selectively applied. Highlight, shadows and midtone contrast adjustments in PSE and background darkened slightly for 'pop'. Added a bit of saturation to the cubs also.
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