More of the hyena cubs

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Glenn Pure

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2015
Canberra, Australia
IMG_9203 BPN.jpg

As mentioned some time ago, I don't really have anything new in my folders to post and very few opportunities back home to bring to you (but maybe I should get out chasing the kangaroos again?). This is from the same sequence as an image I posted not long after joining BPN as an active contributor. However, this one is posted larger now the size limit has been increased so I hope it adds a little. This encounter, just a few minutes from our camp in the Savute, Botswana, was a lovely opportunity and I got a few nice frames from it. Taken around dawn in poor light. Some of the earlier shots were done at 1/20 sec handheld. Steve would be horrified but a few worked out. Techs on this one aren't a lot better. In case you are wondering, the ground was sloping and I've preserved that here. It was taken next to the den entrance.

I think my membership here expires in a month or two and due to lack of stuff to contribute and other activities, I probably won't renew but may be back again in the future -especially after my trip to Antarctica and Patagonia next Feb/Mar. One of the things that will keep me busy is that I'm organising Australia's first national bird photography competition in concert with Birdlife Australia. Hope to post an announcement on BPN soon in the appropriate forum - it will be open internationally although limited to Aussie birds.

Thanks for looking and your frank critiques - and for all the great interaction and patience with me since I started contributing. In spite of exchanges that might suggest otherwise, I have learnt from the interaction. The Wildlife forum is definitely one I've enjoyed a great deal even though I initially came here for Avian. You have a great little community here and I will visit even after my m'ship expires.

Techs: Canon 80D with 100-400 EF MkII at 400mm, 1/60 sec, f7.1, ISO 1250. Processed in DPP4 and PSE using Neat Image plugin for NR. Digital Lens Optimiser applied in DPP along with tone curve adjustments. Default NR in DPP reduced to improve detail. Once in PSE, I applied Neat Image to cubs (at very modest level) along with some sharpening and stronger NR to background. Cub on right of image was a fraction soft due to DOF so some USM selectively applied. Highlight, shadows and midtone contrast adjustments in PSE and background darkened slightly for 'pop'. Added a bit of saturation to the cubs also.
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I like the image very much you have captured the inquisitiveness very well indeed. I think your processing is good, I appreciate the cub on the right is not quite so sharp but it looks good. Perhaps an alternative for you to consider is to make it even less sharp than it was and maybe that would concentrate attention more on the ones that are sharp?
Hi Glenn -- That is a nice pose and the cub gazing towards you is the main attraction here. The ss is indeed very low and Steve would be horrified for sure :bg3: . The finer details are a bit lacking , is that a big crop ? or is it because of the NR ? . I am ok with the colours here .

Will miss you here at wildlife forum. It was a great experience in looking at your images and at the same time getting your valuable inputs on fellow members post . I hope you do continue here at BPN.

Thanks Jon and Haseeb

Hi Glenn -- That is a nice pose and the cub gazing towards you is the main attraction here. The ss is indeed very low and Steve would be horrified for sure :bg3: . The finer details are a bit lacking , is that a big crop ? or is it because of the NR ? . I am ok with the colours here .

Will miss you here at wildlife forum. It was a great experience in looking at your images and at the same time getting your valuable inputs on fellow members post . I hope you do continue here at BPN.


Forgot to mention the crop. This is almost full frame and detail is actually fairly good so not sure what you are seeing. The NR I apply has no visible impact on detail (hint: give Neat Image a go; you won't look back). Above all, thanks for your kind thoughts. There may be another image or two from me but I don't plan these things!
Hi Glenn -- Its just the finer details I am talking abt , rest it is perfectly fine, good enough even at that ss and at this res.

I have been using neat image for quite some time now nearly two years I think so. And very satisfied with it.
Hi Glenn, As always your IQ and PP superb. If this was my image, I would try to add canvas on the right to provide that cute fellow some more breathing space.

Your trips in Feb / Mar seems exciting. I have not been to Australia for bird photography but many from Singapore have been they report it is quite happening place but may require a fair bit of travel to cover all interesting sites. Good luck with your plans.
Hi Glenn - I do hope you will reconsider letting your membership lapse because I believe your ability to comment and post also becomes restricted/limited once it lapses. We will miss your contributions both from the variety of wildlife and also your constructive feedback on other people's images. You should definitely get out and shoot some more local wildlife. To those of us not from Oz, roos are exotic and exciting!

As for the image, yes, that's a very slow ss! I like the warm light, most apparent on the head of the middle hyena but overall the image looks a little flat tonally to me. I think some "sculpting" as Steve likes to call it will bring out more detail and depth to the image.

Dear Glenn,

First of all, thank you for sharing another frame of a species I am so fond of:S3:, much appreciated!

Lovely pose from those little guys and that glance over the shoulder is so precious. As far as I am concerned this is well composed. I do like the separation between subjects and BG, however I do feel the NR is a tad obvious, perhaps you could apply it at a lower percentage:)

Glenn, I could go on about SS and fine detail and contrast and other things but some of those topics have been tackled above. What I really wish to ask of you tonight is that you consider renewing your membership. Your contribution to this Forum has not gone unnoticed, and I am sure everyone enjoyed your comments and critique just as much as I did. Your trips in the beginning of next year sound exciting indeed. But in the need to go out there and chase kangaroos if you ran out of images:w3

I am looking forward to your next post...

Chat soon, will drop you a mail one of those evenings,

Warmest regards,
Many thanks to you all for the additional comments. I did play with the composition on this one and wasn't happy when I took in more from the sides. It just wasn't working for me. So I ended up going fairly tight. As for looking a little flat, I think that is largely a function of the light here and my pushing the limits a little. I did work on that and have taken it about as far as I felt comfortable with... but maybe I should revisit? As for NR, you'll have to take my word that I really am extremely cautious and conservative when applying Neat Image. I doubt it is doing anything other than killing noise. I do hit the background harder and perhaps that's what you are referring too Gabriela but I don't mind the effect, accepting that it may not appeal to all. Happy to send the RAW to anyone interested if you want to play yourself.

As for my membership, first, thank you all for your kind comments about my contribution although I don't see that I've done much. As for the future, well, I'm still here and haven't made a final decision but I am going to be hammered for time once the Australian Bird Photographer of the Year comp kicks off in a matter of weeks now. Keep an eye out. We also have a trip planned to the Kimberley which is the remotest north-west part of Australia for a month Aug-Sept. Life is busy but in retirement I can chose the stuff I want to stay busy with. As for Australian wildlife, I've mentioned before that a lot of our mammalian fauna is nocturnal and a challenge to photograph. I just don't get (or make) the opportunities to do that type of photography so the best I can offer is the odd roo if a moment presents itself. No promises though. I will chip in the odd comment here and there as well while my m'ship is still live. Not gone yet....
Wonderful capture, Glenn. Of course the cuteness factor is right up there, and I like the intense curiosity expressed by each. Nice work with subtle touches in post, and that you kept the slope intact.

Whatever your decision is, I wish you well in your new endeavors.

I always look forward to your insightful in-depth critiques.

Wonderful to get 3 good HA's and sharp DOF throughout.
I like it as is.nice and sharp despite low SS and that is all that matters!
PS I hope you renew your membership. We would miss you in Avian. Good luck with the Australian Contest!

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