My first frame with the 1DX MKII

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Oct 7, 2008
San Francisco, California, United States
Spent an hour yesterday playing with my 1DX MK II in the field. It was dark and rainy with not much activity. I found this green heron that gave me a few passes to try some flight shots. I noticed that the AF was significantly better than the 1DX at f/8. I was using my 400 DO II + 2X III. I got many sharp frames of the green heron zipping through the field. With the 1DX I would have gone a few frames sharp under this condition but the 1DX II seemed much more consistent

Stay tuned for a preview


1DX II 400 DO II + 2X III. ISO 5000. f/8 at 1/2000sec. dismal light! processed with DPP 4.4
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Congrats Arash! The bird looks fantastic at ISO 5000 despite the dark and rainy conditions which have possibly enhanced the mood and BG tones. Really looking forward to seeing more from you with this setup.
Hey Arash! this is exactly what I was waiting!
I´ve been reading a lot on the interent about how great this camera is but honestly nothing beats real-world shots! and I especially take your comments on gear very seriously. Just dreaming about an upgrade from 5D3 to 1DX2 for high ISO capabilities, frame rate and low-light AF improvement over the 5D3. Is this enough to spend so much $$$???
Hi Ari, congrats on your new toy, and this is a fine image and example on what you can achieve in poor conditions. I do like the darker feel to this image with the colours, and you nailed a great flying pose.

Have fun with your new toy.
Looks great Arash, especially at ISO5000!! Nice pose caught and I like the details and the trailing legs. Considering the crappy conditions this shows how much potential the new camera has. Look forward to more from the new body. Well done

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