Nothing like a good old dust bath.

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Steve Kaluski

Wildlife Moderator
Staff member
Nov 15, 2009
Somewhere in the world

Taken at the same time as the previous posting, but about 20 mins early, as our vehicle was surrounded by the bathing herd.

Subject: Elephant dust bathing
Location: Africa
Camera: Canon EOS R5
Lens: RF 24-70f/2.8 L IS USM
Exposure: 1/3200 at f/9 ISO4000
Original format: Landscape, FF

Thanks to those who viewed or posted a comment on the previous image
Dear Steve,

Great techs, beautiful colours;)
As much as I love the action here from the eles and the dust bathing, for me the light just makes this image. Simply stunning. Love the mood and atmosphere portrayed and would like to know what time of the day you captured this frame and whether you used any filters etc. 😊
A pleasure to view as always, many thanks for sharing.

Warmest regards,
A very pleasing image Steve, loving that low angle - it makes such a difference. I appreciate you probably couldn't do much about it but I am not keen on the partial elephant in the foremost position.
Hi Gabriela how many folk say that on their way home in the rain they saw a stalking lioness, how cool is that, we have just a couple of grey squirrels running about.

As you know, here I was shooting in any light as these opportunities don't come up that often for us who don't live in your neck of the woods and it's moments of madness and in a constant flux in knowing which camera and lens to run with and bits of kit flying about, shooting from the hip.

Not sure you get the layering here, as its perhaps more about the adult showering in the dust, but hey...
A very pleasing image Steve, loving that low angle - it makes such a difference.
Jon you are absolutely right and being able to do so with our vehicle just created the opportunities. More to come with some freeky angles, but I've not had such cooperative 'big old units' like this before and I'm not trying to think about replicating any of what's posted in six months time when I'm back out there. Yes, Im sure I will be thinking because one or two encounters were 'once in a lifetime' as Gabriela knows, but with a different agenda.

These spots you have to hold you own, as I know from past experiences and as Gabriela has experienced too, you stay, you don't move, but folk move beacuse they want to get closer and bang, its all over.

I appreciate you probably couldn't do much about it but I am not keen on the partial elephant in the foremost position.

Jon, its always the same with multiple animals flanking the crop/frame, you are always going to 'truncate' sorry no pun intended, a subject, you can't crop as you will be in the same position, but you could remove it at a pinch.

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