Overall Grand Prize 2015 - David Salem


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Daniel Cadieux

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Congratulations David Salem!! Your image "Tug of War" is the 2015 Grand Prize winner!!

Your deserving winning image has earned you Lifetime Membership to BPN!! Since David won it last year too, then this will apply into his next life should he choose to re-join with BPN then:t3.

Back-to-back "Overall" winner, WOW! Huge bragging rights, and well deserved!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to all of this year's category winners - 2015 will be tough to top!


  • DavidSalemFrig&Pelicanweb.jpg
    398.9 KB
That's awesome Dan, congratulations; also thanks for taking the time and interest to have thoughtfully and kindly critiqued some of my images. steve
Truly well deserved, exceptional image, excellent work - I am thrilled for you:cheers:!!!

Warmest regards,
Hi David, I bet you are over the moon both with this image and as a second time 'Overall' winner, very well done. :cheers:

Think we should get some BPN sponsorship on that truck. :bg3::bg3:

Huge Congratulations.

Wow!! Just turned on my computer and I'm blown away!!

I want to thank to everyone so much for this huge honor to have been chosen again for the IOTY.

You have all taught me so much over the years and your critiques and suggestions have made me a much better Photographer. I want to thank all the members for their support and great advice and the Mods and Owners for choosing my Image.

I am truly honored to have been chosen amongst such great talent!!

Thanks everyone. I appreciate the nice words and the honor of IOTY.

Steve, I need some BPN stickers to put on "The Truck" for sponsorship advertising. :S3:
Steve, I need some BPN stickers to put on "The Truck" for sponsorship advertising.

I'm sure some nice BIG decals can easily be organised with a magnetic backing, however the 16ft, 24hr neon sign, mounted on the cab might no go down well with neighbours. :w3

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