Hi Ian, kudos
(great word) on getting this, and I like the fact the frame shows it calling with the open beak. My only reservation is that it has passed you, it's more ahead, something Artie picked up on some of mine & Jon's images, but hey, it's a Peregrine in flight!!!
Overall it is a bit dark and could easily take a bit more exposure and to my eye a touch of red light overall is skewing the colour, but you were there so have a far better idea on colour., but it does though have a nice evening light, so...
You could double process something I have suggested moons ago, export the file to Ps as a Smart Object, duplicate it making sure you do that correctly and so the second layer when double clicked will take the file back into ACR where you can address the subject or BKG, then mask in Ps. There are some areas of masking/cloning in the BKG, visible at full size which you might like to address.
Have you thought of a 16x9 framing from the bottom up, retains the same width, so the eye hits the RoTs, could be an option?
Are you:
- Shooting in Adobe RGB
- Is you raw converter and Ps in the same Working Colour Space ie Adobe RGB/ProPhoto
- In Ps under Edit Colour settings are they correct or factory default
- If you are using Lr or Ps to Export are all the correct check boxes checked?
The only way would be to supply the Raw, but what you see and anyone else see's is all down to perception IMHO.