Good evening Steve,
Hope all good on your side, just popped in briefly as I have the usual wifi issues so again on data, thought I'd add my thoughts here.
I like this very much and especially since you decided to process in black and white. The conversion eliminates distractions in the background and certainly helps emphasise the mud and splashing and all the action at the waterhole.
Good framing, the {darker) leg of the big ele on the LHS adds a nice 3D feel to this frame. You managed to capture the atmosphere, always a bit chaotic when they rush to the water and one can see the joy the eles take when able to bathe and drink.
Techs look good overall, nice detail as always and sharpness is there in good measure. You must have lots from this sighting?
As always a pleasure to view...hope you have a wonderful evening and many thanks for sharing,
Warmest regards,