Please Read Before Posting The First Time - and Then From Time to Time.

Help Support

James Shadle

Oct 21, 2007
Valrico, Fl
Image Guidelines, Posting Instructions

Members have entitled use of BPN's hosting service. Please follow the instructions below to use this service.
Posting Guideline: Please submit only one image per post. Image size is to be no larger than 1200 pixels on the horizontal or 1000 pixels on the vertical side. File size is not to exceed 400 kb. Members may post one image per forum, every 24 hours.

Posting Method 1

  • Click on "New Thread" in the forum of your choice.

  • When window is open you will see a section "Additional Options", click on "Manage Attachments"

  • When attachment window opens you will see a "browse" button. This is the one you will most likely use to upload an image from your computer to the host computer paying close attention to the posting guidelines for size, etc. Once you find the file on your computer click the upload button to the right of the browse button.

  • After upload is complete, go to your message window and fill in your "Title" then in the "Message Window" give as much info as you can to help those who will critique your image. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings(ISO, f/stop, Shutter speed, support, flash etc.) time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact.If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post. Anything else you can think of? If no -"Preview Post".

  • Clicking "Preview Post" first will show you what everyone who opens your post will see. If there is something missing, go back to your open window and add it, then click Preview Post this until you are satisfied with your post, then click Submit.
Still having trouble posting an image? Leave a message here and we will try our best to answer it. Once you get it right it will be second nature, it may seem daunting at first but give it a shot!!

Posting Method 2

  • Click on "New Thread" in the forum of your choice.Left click the "Insert Image" button in the tool bar

  • The button is square with a tree icon. The words "Insert Image" will appear when you mouse over the button.

  • Copy URL including http:// of hosted image and click OK.

  • After inserting your image, go to your message window and fill in your "Title" then in the "Message Window" give as much info as you can to help those who will critique your image. Please include technical data, such as, but not limited to, camera settings(ISO, f/stop, Shutter speed, support, flash etc.) time of day, weather conditions and location. If your subject is captive, please disclose that fact.If you have attracted your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or by any other means, please let us know. If you have significantly altered your image by adding or removing elements of the composition, we ask that you disclose that as well. This information will benefit all members and add to the educational value of each post. Anything else you can think of? If no -"Preview Post".

  • Clicking "Preview Post" first will show you what everyone who opens your post will see. If there is something missing, go back to your open window and add it, then click Preview Post this until you are satisfied with your post, then click Submit.

Posting from Flickr

Flickr has changed the way they give you the links for sharing images on other sites. Here are some brief instructions that will show the image in the post instead of just a link.

First Way -

1) Login to your Flickr account
2) Select image
3) Actions - View All Sizes
4) Select size image you want to post to BPN. (1024px max size wide (left number) or 800px max size high (right number))

5) If using Firefox - Right click on "Download the _____ size of this photo" link.
5a) Click Copy Link Location

5.2) Internet explorer – right click on image, select properties, Copy the text in the “Address:”

6) You can use that link location that was copied and paste into the Insert Image or Attachments dialog on BPN

Second way

1) Login to your Flickr account
2) Select image
3) Click Share This - Grab the HTML/BBCode
4) Select the Image size you want to post from the dropdown box
5) Select BBCode
6) Select and Copy the code they give you which looks something like this:


[ url=][ img][/img][/url]
[ url=]Ober_20101025_5035[/url] by [ url=]cober[/url], on Flickr
7) Paste this into the body of the message on BPN

All you really need from the lengthy code they give you is the part that looks like Code:

[ img][/img]
which can be pasted directly into the body of the message. Or use the file path part without the the IMG /IMG tags and the attachments or
insert image dialogs.

Thumbnails for images hosted "off site" are now available using the VB4 Default Style. Style selection is done using the drop down menu at the bottom left corner of forum. As time allows we will add the thumbnail feature to more Styles.

Help Us, Help You!

Posting an image for critique is an excellent way to rapidly improve any photographers ability to create beautiful images. You can help those offering image critiques by listing details of the capture process.

Listed below are some of the details to include in your post that will help you receive the best critique possible.

Thought Process

  • Were you creating a Portrait?

  • An Environmental Image etc.

  • What obstacles did you face in creating your image?

  • Location

  • If an animal, what species? Was your subject captive? Did you attract your subject or subjects into photographic range with food, water, audio, or any other means?

  • Was your image significantly altered by adding or removing elements of the composition post shutter?

  • Time of day, weather conditions etc.

  • Camera Type and Model

  • Lens Focal Length and Model

  • ISO, Metering Mode, Exposure Mode

  • Exposure Compensation (if used)

  • Shutter Speed, Aperture

  • Focus Mode

  • Tripod, Tripod Head

  • Flash, Flash Settings

Post Processing

  • how did you process your RAW image

  • did you crop, did you clone or remove elements

  • how did you handle noise

  • did you use filters

  • what were your tonal and color corrections

You don't need to list all of the above(it would be the most helpful) but list as much as you can and any other factors that had an affect on the final image.

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<embed id="application/x-exifeverywhere" type="application/x-exifeverywhere" width="0" height="0">Hi Wendy. As a participant, all you can do is link to images hosted on another site. Only members can post attachments (BPN does the image hosting).
Hi James, I am a Newbie to BNP and I was really scratching to find out a lot of things before I just "let loose" and make a tit of myself...

Your guidlines in this article have helped enourmously ...Thank you very much.

One point I have noticed on your site, but have been unable to find the answer......Sizing of images seems to be a bit of a bump in the road for a lot of people...

I have no problem with understanding the pixels per long edge or horizontal / vertical edge and a maximu file size, but is there any reason why you don't complete it by setting a DPI size please?

In South Africa, I belong to the Photographic Society of SA ( PSSA ) and when posting anything for club or salon judging, we are obliged to use a medium known as Photo Vault ... Once you get used to it, it works nicely... I guess the same as your requirements on this site?

They fix the maximum file size in K-bites, The horizontal long edge and vertical long edge, but they also fix a DPI ( eg: Maximum file size of 500 KB ;The horizontal on a "landscape" format image = 1024 px; The vertical on a "portrait" format image = 768 px and a DPI = 96 )

This size works well if uploading to places like Face Book, Google+, emailing etc and there is no significant image deterioration

Please don't think that I am trying to change anything or interfere, but many of our members also battle with file / image sizes...

I am not familiar with PS, but use Light Room 5.7 which makes all this very simple in the Export Module...

I also use a great little program called Fast Stone Image Viewer ( It's free and can be downloaded easily and quite safely ) http://faststone-image-viewer.soft3...ARsnQw9Otmu7vPOlGn_sWS-Tuq5lzBqJQkaAoj78P8HAQ *I use a PC, but there is a MAC application...

This is great for viewing RAW files very quickly and I use it sometimes to put a 2 pixel border around a shot ( Our judges require this to define the edges ) and resize without even having to go into LR...

Please accept this in the constructive spirit inwhich it is intended. I mean no disrespect, but just needed to understand all the rules before I start submitting and exchanging information and ideas...

Best regards

Tim Driman
[email protected] / [email protected]

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