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Seems to be working ok for me...

Whitetail Buck 1 sm wWM.jpg
Alan I think it would be helpful to offer guidance an image size in terms of pixels eg a max of xxxx pixels wide and xxxxpixels high say for eg 1920 pixels length/ width and 1600 pixels high/tall
I'm working on getting you that information.
Alan I think it would be helpful to offer guidance an image size in terms of pixels eg a max of xxxx pixels wide and xxxxpixels high say for eg 1920 pixels length/ width and 1600 pixels high/tall
The image size (MB) is independent of pixel dimensions. Jpeg is something like run length encoding so the more complex the image the larger in size it will be. This is irrespective of the pixel count. It would not be effective to describe a 20MB size limit in pixels.
The image size (MB) is independent of pixel dimensions. Jpeg is something like run length encoding so the more complex the image the larger in size it will be. This is irrespective of the pixel count. It would not be effective to describe a 20MB size limit in pixels.
Agreed but you can still dictate the size eg 600K in the Save for Web settings in PSCC
Fixed width would be nice if there was an auto resize on upload feature. I k is there are plugins for some forums that do that but I have not checked to see if there is one for this one. For people who exclusively use devices like iPads, resizing themselves is not so easy, so I can understand why there is a reluctance on occasion

Also noting that I have seen fixed dimensions mentioned on other forums and for the not technically astute thus can cause issues. Having worked in IT and been part of the development team on some open source gallery software I have seen all sorts.
The new image restriction is 1920*1600 pixels. Any image exceeding these dimensions will be automatically resized to fit.
File size restrictions is 20MB so you will not need to modify files to be smaller in size
You all have such amazing pics. I'm embarrassed by my poor-quality photos. Like, I can't even take pics of my food properly.

dinner 2.png

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