Purple Finch


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Jan 15, 2011
Portland, Oregon
Purple Finch, D850, ,500pf, f5.6, 1/1000, iso2000

I like the colours too. I was quite surprised to see such a large powerful bill on such a slightly built bird, Hawfinches have a big bill but they are much heavier built than this little one.
Nice image; really shows the face "mask". Always tough for me to determine_Purple Finch vs House Finch. I guess you are in an area where you see more Purple Finches. Here in So Cal, they are scarce so the default is House Finch.
Lovely post and image. Though I am thinking this is a House Finch, the colouring and body shape don't quite seem to match with a Purple Finch. I tried Merlin ID on your photo which also identified it as a House Finch. Fun fact, the Merlin bird of the day is a House Finch and I'm watching a male and female pair out the window from my home office now!

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