Hi Dave, yes all good here thank you, weather has been damp, grey & bleak over here, across the pond, but managed to get an old favourite, which then became another popular subject to photograph, in some late Autumn sun which was unexpected, but a treat. Guess you are gearing up for Thanks Giving?
On reflection I think Dan C may have posted one, but they rarely posted, however I think they look pretty cool in there 'Bandit' B/W colouring, albeit I would not want to get bitten by one. Saw one that had hitched a ride from downtown Vancouver all the way up to Whistler on a dumpster, pretty cool ride!
Yes, there was a bit of a blue/magenta color cast in the original. I guess I was a little lazy with white balance and hopefully this one is an improvement.
Spot on Dave and if you don't nail it, with every colour adjustment you just amplify things. Once you get it corrected it's just a simple task of looking at what else needs either Global or selective adjustments.
The branch was a major limb that he had climbed and he was carefully treading along that smaller limb to get to a persimmon. Other angles didn't work out as well. Plus I was on a boardwalk over a swamp without a lot of maneuvering room.
Thanks for the additional info, worth expanding on as I can only second guess.
I know exactly what you mean about overdoing denoise and sharpening. In fact, I had to de-sharpen this image after processing through DXO.
Working with DT you get it, so many folk just latch onto it, read some garbage on the internet and think its the best think since sliced bread, but not really understanding how much it can impact on the file and then wonder why it looks as it does when posted, its just too aggressive and if your files are good at the point of capture then at the amount of any DN is reduced. Plus as I and I think Kirsh has said, all these super smooth BKG look plastic and unrealistic. Obviously if its at low ISO or low frequency detail then it is what it is.
Dave this was where my thoughts were going FWIW.
Look forward to seeing more a nice to see you back posting.