These Red Kites (Milvus milvus) would perch then swoop down and try to steal scraps of bait from other raptors. Their speed and manoeuvrability are awesome, as well as being very beautiful raptors. This shot was taken in central Spain in March 2022, from a hide, shooting through glass. What I particularly like about this image is the display of the back of the landing bird. I think both birds were young adults from the previous breeding season.
Taken with my Sony A9II with the FE200-600 at 422mm. Shutter at 1/1600 sec, F/6.3 at ISO 3200. PP in LightRoom using NR Enhance then resized and sharpened in PS. Part of branch removed to improve the composition.
Comments and suggestions much appreciated.
PS. Seems a little soft now that I upload it!