Rhino in the V !


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haseeb badar

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
Nagpur, India

Hello everyone, thank you for all your comments and suggestions to my previous post as always much appreciated.

Posting a Rhino image from my recent trip to Assam.

Sighted this Rhino grazing nonchalantly and we had this opportunity to try some different perspectives. Being placed amidst the V of the Tree with only its head in sharp focus made for a different perspective indeed.

Dpp 4.12, PSCC 2020, TK7 rapid masks, WB, curves, levels, selective colour, hue/sat/vib, Sharpening, almost 90% of the original capture.

Canon 1DXMK II, Canon 500 f4 IS II, HH.

ss 1/800, f/5.6, iso 640.

Looking forward for all your comments and suggestions, be it of any nature.

HI Haseeb, I really like the concept here, good thinking in the field. The OOF V of the tree trunk is a bit dominating, how about cropping a bit more to gain more emphasis on the rhino head? Male a bit more ISO and DOF? Else I like the colours and the composition. Well done in the field to try different perspective.
Hello Haseeb, I like the way you composed the frame, the V shape emphasizing the main subject. The pose of the rhino is also very nice, the way its head is rised and his ears are pricked up. Maybe you could crop some of the bottom and the arms of the V? Chromaticly it is very pleasing, the way the color of the V shape brings out the grey of the rhino.
Thank you Doc and Dan, appreciate your comments and suggestions.

I personally don’t find it too dominating and also I like the Rhino small in frame , cropping it more from the bottom makes it a bit bigger than what I want it to appear. But that is also an alternative.
Hi Haseeb .... as you are already defending your view ...:bg3::S3::t3 ... will be quick with my reply .

The concept is very nice , and I really like it !!!
Just a single thing is not working for , the dominance of that tree . Only option for me would have been `going`closer with the 200 - 400 with more flexibility in terms of framing , to create variations .

Like the moody foggy look in the BG .

Great that you see other images in the field !!!

TFS Andreas

Hi Haseeb kudos in thinking outside the box. For me it's certainly different, does it work not sure, but I do feel the V is too dominant. I had a play yesterday, but please don't let this colour your judgement but I do feel experimenting like this is good, not only for yourself, but for us the viewers too.

Thank you Andreas and Steve.

Would definitely explore the crop suggestion as mentioned above by Doc, Dan and you both. Closer still , but looking good , another alternative. But I liked the framing in OP as well.

Many thanks for the suggestions, appreciated.


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