Siskin (Spinus spinus)

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Jonathan Ashton

Macro and Flora Moderator
Staff member
Dec 1, 2009
Cheshire UK

Hand held image captured from a hide, small crop.

Model Name : OM-1 OM 150-400TC (561.0mm FF Equivalent)
ISO Sensitivity : 500
Shutter : 1/3200 sec
F.No. : F5
Exposure compensation : 0.0 EV

Hi Jon, this does show the beauty of ProCapture and being able to capture frames just before and after take-off and where you can cherry pick the best.

Overall I do like the take off pose, head cocked, wings outstretched and you do get that extra DoF with the OM, getting both perch and head I think sharp, what looks like a 3-4 inch window. I get the impression that the perch is slightly twisted with the top branch slightly angled away? Not sure if its the time of day or within PP, but personally I feel its a bit too contrasty in its overall appearance and so being able to back things off, just softens the overall look. Have you/did you, consider making the BKG a bit more 'buttery' and try to reduce the blotchy brighter parts? I can't help but wonder as this is a set up in the garden where you do have more control, but to have the same buff colour overall. The greens in the top RHS seem to be leaching into the subject and clashing if you get my drift. I'm not suggesting a single tone colour, but a similar colour for continuity and may offer more standout?????

The Lichen adds some nice texture in the scene, but wished the perch wasn't so battered and the large expanse of revealed stem is distracting and pretty ugly, think its time for another walk in the forest Jon. :bg3:

Thanks Steve, the image was captured in Scotland, the background was probably grasses and more distant trees & shrubs. The twig was freshly installed but I see that some of the bark is "missing" maybe I could have toned down the paler area to make it less conspicuous.
Thanks Steve, the image was captured in Scotland, the background was probably grasses and more distant trees & shrubs.

Ah, OK Jon, I thought it was at your own garden set up . The 'brown buff' I think I know what that is and therefore would use more here so the subject has more standout,

The twig was freshly installed but I see that some of the bark is "missing" maybe I could have toned down the paler area to make it less conspicuous.

Toning it down Jon would not really of helped, it just needed replacing full stop.
Hi Jon ... one great hooray on the pro capture :5 it does help to get this kinda stuff and I do love the dynamic pose !!!!
Love the cynics and the stretched wings with right take off angle , glad he gave you the gorgeous head angle as well . BG does look great to me from the structure and color POV ... the twig does look good for most part and burning might help to a good degree .
Overall colors do look quite ok to me ... maybe the shadow yellows a touch on the greener side ... easy fix if you wish .
Overall bit heavy from the tonal POV ....with blacks clipped ever so slightly . Check with TK clipping ... layer :w3

All minor things .... so thumbs up from my side

TFS Andreas

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