Territorial Battle - common loons


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Randy Stout

Avian Moderator
Staff member
Feb 28, 2008
SW Michigan

Loonapaloosa 2024. I am up north for a two week period to follow the hatching of the loon chicks on the several different lakes I watch. The weather has been cold, rainy and windy. But, I have still spent a lot of time floating around with the loons, often with the umbrella up on the kayak, and lots of rain gear on.

This image shows a territorial battle between two adult males. The resident loon is on the left, while the intruder is being the aggressor in this image. This encounter went on for forty five minutes and can sometimes lead to the death of one of the loons. Fortunately both survived, and the resident male ultimately prevailed. It can be a challenge to photograph, because they are constantly moving, often underwater, and can suddenly pop up 180 degrees away from where they were when they dove underwater.

Z9, 180-600 at 540mm. f/7.1 1/1600s, ISO 1600. Hand held. I normally use a gimbal mounted in my kayak, but they were so erratic in their movement, that I needed the flexibility of hand holding.

LRCC & PS. Cropped from top and bottom. The spray went up well above the crop line, but I felt the framing would be better cropped as presented.

Advice and comments always appreciated .


Hi Randy, looks like you captured what you set out to and the spray accentuates the territorial squabble.

As usual, your low level POV works and links the subject with the viewer. The cold colours amplify the temperature conditions. Looks like the Z9 nailed the action, but rather you than me in a Kayak, albeit Andrew Mc used to use one I recollect.

As you had ISO on your side would it worth considering a higher SS because of the 45mpx?

Looking forward to seeing more from the trip and don't get too cold.

Thanks Steve:

The lighting had been changing constantly because of cloud cover, and just before this sequence I was at ISO 6400 with same shutter speed. In a perfect world, I would have traded some ISO for shutter speed, but when the action erupts, you push the shutter button and hope.

Randy I love this fighting image. I have several from ducks and coots and always find them hard to process with all the water distracting from the subjects. Great low angle and good head turns on both loons.Hard to believe the fight lasted of such along duration. TFS
Great action shot, I am sure you will have more - perhaps with fewer water droplets obscuring the face? I appreciate you get what you're given and sod's law means the "best" shots probably have the spray in a less than ideal position.
Hi Randy ... I guess everything that was in your hands went right , gorgeous shot of the stunning action ... nothing you do about the flying water droplets . They are there when fast action in water is going on .
Overall image does look very spectacular to me .... no nits at all

Stunning work !!!

TFS Andreas
Arash: Thanks for your input! I get your point about color. With black and white birds, not much to work with there. It was a rainy morning, was shooting out from under an umbrella on my kayak, and it was rather dull.
But, I thought action was worth it.



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