White Tail Jack Rabbits


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kevin Hice

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
Waynesville, Ohio, United States
_97A6580 BPN.jpg

Shot these Jacks after a fresh snow early morning in North Dakota.These Jack rabbits transform to white in the winter to better camouflage for all the snow. I was shooting single frames and when they started running towards me I knew they would be too close. So I exchanged the 2x converter for the 1.4 converter. Really had no time to check my settings.Shot from the truck on the blubb. Post photo-shop Patch tool for specular highlights. Added some canvas on the left side.Sharpened un sharp mask ,levels. Tried several approaches to get the blue color out of the snow even tried using curves but it was no better than levels. I could get the snow whiter but was losing detail in the snow. Appreciate the critiques.

Canon 5D Mark 1V
Shooting Mode AV 5.6
Shutter speed 1/2000
ISO 400
Lens 300 2.8 11
Converter 1.4 111
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Kevin, nice job on the whites, the blue doesn't bother me "it's snow" with the blue sky reflecting.
I like the pano crop, I would go back and spend a little more time where you added canvas. MAybe a little more DOF also. Other than that good job.

What a fun photograph. I'm eager to see the image when I see your name with a new posting.

I agree with Tim's comment about DOF. I suppose most of us face that dilemma with the need for fast shutter speeds and long lenses. What settings would you want if you were to shoot this again? How far up would you bump the ISO for wider aperture. Would you change the shutter speed? In my limited experience shooting with a 500mm or 600mm lens, there isn't much gain in DOF with smaller apertures.

Also. I'm afraid I envy you shooting with the 300mm f/2.8.
What a fun photograph. I'm eager to see the image when I see your name with a new posting.

I agree with Tim's comment about DOF. I suppose most of us face that dilemma with the need for fast shutter speeds and long lenses. What settings would you want if you were to shoot this again? How far up would you bump the ISO for wider aperture. Would you change the shutter speed? In my limited experience shooting with a 500mm or 600mm lens, there isn't much gain in DOF with smaller apertures.

Also. I'm afraid I envy you shooting with the 300mm f/2.8.

Jim, since the subjects are light on a light BG he could have shot this at f/8 and kept the SS at 2000 and just bumped up the ISO the 5D MKIV could have handled that easily.

Thanks Jim, I agree with Tim I probably would have been at least 6.3. I just don't have the experience as Tim . My problem is I get caught up in the moment sometimes when action happens quickly. I am so focused on getting the shot in focus with the sensors. I forget about the settings. As I had the 2x converter on and switched to the 1.4 and forgot to check the settings was more worried about fitting the rabbits in the frame as they were coming at me rather quickly.I think like Tim said the biggest fault in the photo is DOF. How many times looking back I wish I had a do over.As far as the 300 I keep wanting a longer lens and have all most purchased one . I do lose some opportunities but have been fortunate to figure out how to get in closer on subjects.

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