White-tailed Eagle - we have lift off!


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Jan 9, 2008
Brussels, Belgium
Another image from last September in Norway, this White-tailed Eagle has just taken the the bait.

Very dull light conditions, fast moving Eagle and wobbly boat - what more could you ask for?

Shot with the Sony A9II and EF 100-400 at 400mm. Shutter at 1/1600 sec and f/5.6, ISO 6400.

Post processed in LrC with Enhance NR.

I like the almost straight-on image and the way the tips of the primaries curl.

Comments and suggestions warmly welcomed as always.


2409 Lauvsnes 2056-Enhanced-NR-WT Eagle.jpg
I like the composition and the pose. I appreciate the conditions were what they were but I would be tempted to warm the image up a little and apply a subtle amount of "Effects". A really pleasing action shot, I think the subject could benefit from a little more "oomph" to enhance it's impressive nature.
I agree with your thoughts about the curved wing tips. I don't mind the dark, bluish water as I think that shows what the conditions were. I do agree with Jonathan about warming up and possibly bringing up slightly (you would have to be very careful-it could look fake real quick) the eagle. Anyway, nice image taken in tough conditions.

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