Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)


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Jonathan Ashton

Macro and Flora Moderator
Staff member
Dec 1, 2009
Cheshire UK

Hand held opportunistic capture, it is cropped slightly. I took this image in the front garden at home, he was perched in a crab apple tree. I appreciate rather busy background but this is his preferred choice of environment. I quite liked the light - though again I appreciate this may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Hi Jon, the capture it is what it is and both colour and detail appear good in part, but I have reservations, as parts look odd, not natural???

1. The branch the subject is sitting on, if we go R to L from the trunk, is sharp at the beginning with nice depth/detail but as you move up it gets soft in terms of tone of colour as it passes the subject, then picks up again and its not DoF.

2. The same thing as you move up the truck, nice colour & tone, then muted, then darker/richer....

3, LHS thin branch super sharp, nice colour, but the thin branch to the right of the main trunk is very soft...

Sorry Jon, but to my eyes its not really working, I think the original capture, albeit perhaps busier, might be better???? But I could well be wrong.

Hey Jon ... I quite like the image , even if most viewers might not like it . I think the busy factor does play a negative roll when viewing the image , all a matter of taste . It might be " nicer " when it is cleaner .
Pose is nice and the colors ( as far as I can say on the laptop ) are looking good .
I would personally think to remove the two twigs in the ULC and boost the contrast locally in the fuzzy areas of the bird ... just a thought .
Not sure if I would have edited this image , but hey why not trying to get something decent from a shot like this .

TFS Andreas

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