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Arthur Morris

Founding Publisher
Staff member
Dec 13, 2007
Indian Lake Estates, FL

This tight image of the edge of the wing of a medium-sized Great Egret chick was created with the handheld 400mm IS DO lens with the 1.4X II TC, 37mm of extension, and the EOS-1D Mark IV. ISO 400: 1/125 sec. at f/18. Manual flash as main light at 1:2.

It is my belief that few photographers are comfortable using flash as main light which can be a very valuable tool when working in extreme low light situations. See my comments on flash as main in the April 21st blog post at It is entitled, Are You in the Dark about Flash as Main Light?

And be sure to check out my "Baker's Dozen Gator Rookery Photo Tips" in BAA Bulletin #323 here:

As for the image, don't be shy; all comments welcome.

For me it is always amazing to see a picture that is visually pleasing, but I have to look and think to see what it is :).
Your flash tech. resulted a quite natural result where the details are nicely there. Did you lighten up the back for this result?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is truly appreciated.
Sorry for my messy English. My brain is full of Spanish today :).

We see our main subject that is the wing of our egret. In the BG there is the belly and the legs I guess. I expected that too be darker, since it is flash as main light and I was wondering did it come out this way or you made it lighter with some quick mask work to make the shadow a bit softer?
Sorry for my messy English. My brain is full of Spanish today :).

We see our main subject that is the wing of our egret. In the BG there is the belly and the legs I guess. I expected that too be darker, since it is flash as main light and I was wondering did it come out this way or you made it lighter with some quick mask work to make the shadow a bit softer?

Thanks Lorant, That's what I thought that you meant. Yes to the belly and the legs. Parts of both are lit by the flash as they are very close to the wing. The shadows on the belly and legs are actually caused the the flash which was on camera to the left so the shadow is that of the chick's wing. The distant background was in sun so it did not turn out black. Only the lower right corner suffered from flash fall off.

Good comments and question :)
very interesting shot, hadn't seen the details so up close, good exposure on the whites too. So the little "stems" are supposed to grow into full size feathers(?)

Yes. The feathers on the left have emerged from the sheaths. The tiny feathers along the edge of the wing have not. My favorite part is the green skin.

Image is not sRGB profile. Other than that, I like it :) Tom

Thanks for pointing that out Tom. The image is in sRGB profile but as was pointed out in the great post in the ??? forum (please provide a link if you would) I do not think that I had the ICC box checked in save for web. It is always great to learn something new--I do it often :)

Please let me know if you like the repost here any better. :)
You are welcome and I agree. There are some stunning opps with chicks right now at both gatorland and St Augustine Alligator Farm and they will continue for several if not many months (the latter only if you can stand the heat and humidity). :)
Artie, I really like the up close look showing something most of us never get to see. It also has an artistic look to it. I love seeing the green showing through.:)
Thanks Stuart. I have been after tight images of their wing panels for years. For those who will be visiting Gatorland soon there are two really close Great Egret nests under the small shelter to the right of the large shelter when you are facing west, i.e., looking back to the touristy section of the park.
Hey Artie,

Looks like somebody has been having a good time at the park! :) Interesting shot of the wing panel, if you wouldn't mind a small suggestion I'd tone down the leg on the right just a bit, it keeps pulling my eye away from the lovely wing detail.

Was great having you and Denise out to Gatorland, sorry I couldn't be there this past Monday.
Mike, Many thanks for the "royal treatment" Much appreciated. Gatorland should be on every photographers itinerary when visiting Florida.:)

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