Your Best/Favorite Image of 2015

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A tough call Rachel, but as you know, I adore my Bears, so this had to go in I feel :S3:.

An interesting few moments when this guy suddenly surfaced, probably the most dangerous species on the planet and one I have the most respect for. With zero time to think about composition, but enough time to dial in some settings, a but a bit of a frame filler even with the 70-200 and no problem pushing the ISO to 12,800


Subject: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) male, close-up
Location: Svalbard
Camera: Canon 1DX
Lens: 70-200f/2.8 MKII HH
Exposure: 1/1600s at f/8 ISO12,800
Original format: Landscape, very slight crop from the top and on the sides


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Great Blue Heron

I love the way this image turned out. The light was magical which made post processing easy.

Nikon D7000
Nikon 80-400mm VRII AF-S ED shot at 400mm (600mm FFE)
1/1250 F/5.6 Matrix Metering +1 1/3 EV ISO 900, camera supported by a monopod
Post processed in Lightroom 6 and Photoshop Elements 10
Cropped for composition and presentation


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Great Egret Preening

Wonderful images all. This one was captured at Merritt Island NWR, in a particularly appealing pose. Except for a very slight crop and a bit of sharpening, this is SOTC. I noticed that it has very little evident grain, despite the ISO of 1600 on my original 7D. This is partly due to the predominant light colors.

Canon 7D; ISO 1600; 500 f/4L IS + 1.4x TCII; f/11 @ 1/1000 sec.


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Hard to pick a favorite, but I'll go with this one for being special. I'm pretty sure this was the initial test hop of the second sibling at a nest I was watching. One had made what I'm quite sure was his first hop 3 days before, and I'm pretty sure this is the second sibling, with his "older brother" watching with approval.

Canon 7D2, 300mm f/2.8 IS + 1.4X III, ISO 800, f/6.3, 1/2500 sec. Handheld. Processed in LR and PS.


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Great thread, thanks Rachel for starting it.
Wonderful images being shared up to now.

My image is not necessarily the most aesthetically moody/pleasing that I have taken this year, but it does represent the most amazing sighting I was fortunate to enjoy.
I was present when a pack of highly endangered African Wild Dogs (Painted Dogs) brought their 17 puppies (all from one alpha female) out of the den for the first time. The pack regurgitated food for the young pups and allowed them to explore and play for about 45 minutes before herding them back into their den. This all happened less than 20 meters from our vehicle, and we were the only people there.

I do have some images from this encounter that I deem better than this one, but I have scarcely processed 2% of images taken this year for want of time and motivation :2eyes2:


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Mother, Do You Think They'll Try To...?

Dear Friends,

I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year in 2016!

I am having some trouble finding a favourite image for 2015, so here's one scene that moved me - I hope it had a similar effect on you.

Nikon D4
Nikon 500 F4
ISO 1000

Warmest regards,


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This is awesome, Stu! Superb capture of this stunning bird, beautifully exposed! So vivid I feel I can touch those tail feathers!

Warmest regards,
Steve, this Polar Bear image is crying for a big print. Wish I was there to experience this close encounter! Love the way the subject's face fills the frame, this is a very special capture - Congratulations!

Warmest regards,
A very powerful image Gabriela and made even better with the choice of medium, although I just wonder how many would know the thinking behind the title? :S3:
Inspired from a couple of Pink Floyd lyrics, the title is open to interpretation:)

If all fails, there's always Mr. Google...

Thank you so much Steve, your comments are much appreciated, as always.

Warmest regards,
Morkel, I remember those sweet little pups! The chap in the middle is just adorable, love the slightly open muzzle and tiny teeth!!! Superb capture, I am delighted to see this again, great choice!

And trip, drive carefully, don't forget to tick that checklist: cameras, lenses, converters, tripods, Lexar cards, other cards, card readers, laptop, chargers, hard drives, bean bags, supports, batteries, binoculars, sun screen SPF 50 (especially for the kids), wine, good food, medicines, etc etc etc...
Stopped by to look at all the great shots posted here. Lots of beautiful and memorable frames. Fantastic job everyone!

Not sure how this image came to be, but if it is a natural image, and it is unaltered, then I "HIGHLY" suggest that you enter this into the BBC photographer of the year contest. This is beautiful and exactly what they are looking for!! If it isn't natural, or it is altered, then congrats on a beautiful creation!! Print it either way!
Thank you so much dear Arthur and David, such kind words from you both.

David, I am listening:w3 I must admit I have never considered entering any contests before - will have another look at the processed image, as well as rules of the contest.

I would like to thank you all for your critique, views and encouragement. And to wish you a very Happy New Year, lots of photographic opportunities, good health and success in everything you do!

Warmest regards,
Thank you so much dear Arthur and David, such kind words from you both.

David, I am listening:w3 I must admit I have never considered entering any contests before - will have another look at the processed image, as well as rules of the contest.

I would like to thank you all for your critique, views and encouragement. And to wish you a very Happy New Year, lots of photographic opportunities, good health and success in everything you do!

Warmest regards,

You are welcome and good plan. About 95+% of my favorite images can not be entered in many contests. I often have to redo and image in order to enter it... a
You read my mind, dear Arthur:5

I do not use any plug-ins as such but even cloning a blade of grass is not permitted, I am told. Will do my homework properly. David got me excited and I love a good challenge. Something to look forward to, over the next few days:w3
On all levels you guys create some wonders that a guy like me can only dream of. (Gabriela I don't much like b/w but your image is so moveing). I hope it's ok for me to share while learning.

Shaz and I were chasing the fallow rut here in England we threw all we had and were found wanting but we will come back until we get it sorted. We finally found a stand and turned up at dawn on the only day we had we were met with fog but a promise of light later. An acorn bouncing of the car ruined an unobtainable shot of a buck in no light at yards ,but folks who don't know always have hope:w3 So we left to meander and come back to the stand when just a little more light was there. Quietly we stepped forwards into the wood,he might be there with his ladies, head to toe camo every step had care a whisper from behind "Stu, on the oak" but I didn't see her until it was too late. We buried ourselves in some nettles not much ,but just maybe enough. Meanwhile I cursed myself for once again missing my wonderful chance and hoped for the deer.

For the first time ever I was gifted that second chance,I couldn't get quite around all the nettles but this one is so special to me She is a beast for a spar(falconers term for female, male is musket) and I utterly suspect she has a favourite spot where we just happened to be waiting,so enough of the story My favourite for 2015 an incredible bird who came back to give the learner a chance :

F70F9972 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

To all that have tried to help me Steve Andreas Diane and so many more my personal thanks have the best new year hopefully beyond your dreams

take care all


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