Common Crane

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Girish Prahalad

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2011
Bangalore, India

Made in Little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat.
Made with a Canon 550D + Sigma 150-500. Beanbag on jeep.
F 6.3 / ISO 400 / SS 1/200 @ 403 mm. Manual / Eval
Levels / Cropped from Horizontal / USM & NR on BG.

Comments & critiques most welcome.
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Beautiful shot of this Crane. Nice side profile and eye contact. The exposure and feather detail look great. Only nit would be the fact that the road is running thru the shot and not an all grass BG. Well captured Girish
I actually kinda like that road and the way it curves behind the subject! Vertical was the way to go, I only wish the subject was a little lower in the frame and I would remove the two small vertical lines in front of the belly.
Hi Girish, super pose, sharp, great yellow eye, and I like how the crane is separated nicely from the BG. Light looks good too. Im fine with the road, and agree about removing the OOF stick, and the other strange line behind it.

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