Marching Snowy Egret - to crop or not?

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Randy Stout

Avian Moderator
Staff member
Feb 28, 2008
SW Michigan

This handsome snowy was captured at Little Estero. I like the raised foot,drop, calm water,fluff. The reflection isn't as sharp as I would prefer, but adds something. Interested in your opinions about a crop from the bottom, and if so, where to cut the reflection.

D700 500 AFSf/7.1 1/3200s, ISO 800 -0.7 EV

Post: Minor crop for comp, multiply layer on whites, selective sharpening

Appreciate your input this one.


I gave some opinions on reflections in another thread but forget which one. Typically I only like reflections if they are crystal clear. However, I do like this reflection as it has a painterly feel to it. I looked at cropping some of the reflection out but because the foot/leg are perfectly clear, it doesn't work well. I prefer the image as presented. Great image, great light, nice pose. I would of liked a little more head turn towards us.

Hello Randy,

I like the crop as is and I am very fond of that reflection:)

I also like the detail on those delicate feathers and the colours overall - beautiful image, TFS!

Kind regards,
Hi Randy, sweet, sweet light here, and love the wind swept plumage detail. Lovely pose with the raised foot, the large droplet really adds, and what a calm setting to the water. With regards to the reflection, I would keep it, not the clearest, but enough to see that its an Egret, if one scrolls the page and hide the 'real Egret'. An opportunity well taken.

Im always looking for reflections. :w3
Don.t think I would get hung up about the reflection Randy,the bird itself holds the viewers attention, the whites look spot on, and the nice walking pose with just the droplet of water from the toe which also shows well in the reflection, beautiful capture.

I too would leave it as is. I agree with the accolades above. My favorite part of the image is the large water drop at the foot :)
Thanks everyone for your input. I will leave it as is. I do agree, that a bit of a head turn our way would have added to the image, but felt it still presented well.

Cheers, and thanks again.

Simply beautiful.
Works well with portrait crop too:tinysmile_shy_t:
I also tried adding huge swathes of canvas putting the bird in top right 3rd....that worked for me as well:tinysmile_shy_t:

Head angle is not perfect but that wouldn't stop me sticking it on the wall...a grand job Randy.
I'd keep it as is Randy.
A spectactular image in my opinion. The water is just perfect, whites look great and the droplet from the toe. Well.... fabulous.
Cheers mate, TFS
Great looking exposure and details. The thing I like best is the fanned out feathers showing the water behind them. Very delicate looking. Well done

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