Theme Stilt Sandpiper

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Isaac Grant

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2014
Staten Island, New York

In mid August I visited the East Pond of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, NY. The day supposed to have clear skies and perfect light, but was instead badly overcast. Thankfully there was about 2 minutes of perfect sun early in the morning that poked through the clouds. This juvenile Stilt Sandpiper was feeding really close to me in a dark cove. This was the most tame Stilt Sandpiper I had ever seen. As luck would have it, it gave me a couple turns where the light hit it just right. I stayed higher than I usually do so I could get the reflection in the dark water.

Canon 1DX and Canon 100-400 ii. ISO 1250, F6.3, SS 1/2500
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Nicely positioned good details. The colours appear to me to be slightly rich, I may be wrong because I haven't seen one. Perhaps the contrast could be lowered a little??
Nicely positioned good details. The colours appear to me to be slightly rich, I may be wrong because I haven't seen one. Perhaps the contrast could be lowered a little??

Jonathan, I agree with you. This was an insanely well marked and colorful individual. What is interesting is that the RAW is like this as well. I went back and forth on doing something. Do you think that something about the bright light just touching the dark cove made the scene too contrasty? There were 3 other juvenile close by and this bird was the brightest by far. I'd be very interested in hearing others thoughts on this type of scenario producing contrasty birds.
The contrast looks just fine to me. Beautiful bird and sharp with a sweet BKGR. There are a few new (first winter) feathers coming in on the back. Did you take a speck off the bird's cheek or is the speck on the reflection in the water? Either way, I'd lose it.

with love, artie
Didn't touch the bird at all. I'll remove it on water. Thanks I didn't notice that!!! FYI someone had a long billed Dow today on the east pond.
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The bird and light here look quite surreal, Isaac. What is happening is the direct sunlight is reflecting off the relatively lightly toned bird but the water is not reflecting direct light back to you, except was is hitting the dark background foliage but that reflection will be muted as well as being affected by shadows on the foliage. Can't comment directly on the bird but this makes the overall frame look very intense and contrasty. I like the composition on this one and the overall look you've achieved in this situation. Certainly very eye-catching. I'm sure there are lots of other interpretations you could make of this too.
south. North is too flooded now. I may go in the next day or 2 to see if I get time. Just went this morning to Central for our 3rd state record of Hammond's Flycatcher. Pics were posted and people thought it was a "western" but I told all immediately that it's a Hammond's. Loads got on it today. A new state bird for most.

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