Bluebird (Young of the Year)

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Danny J Brown


Another eastern bluebird from Missouri. We love our bluebirds - after all they are the Missouri state bird! There is a big maple tree in my front yard so sometimes I take the screen out of my bedroom window and set my tripod up with the lens focused on this perch. Its a favorite of all of the juvenile bluebirds at our place. This one had some nice color. Thanks.

Canon EOS40D; Canon 300 F4 L IS + 1.4TC; 1/100; F/5.6; ISO 200; Feisol CT3031 w/Markins M10; House as Blind.
Hey Danny, I can see why you like this little guy so much - lovely blues and greys, and I like the slight look back pose. To get away from the large OOF branches, I would probably create a pano crop, taking off both top and bottom.
Lovely head turn giving a nice look back pose. For me it is hard to know where to stop and start with branches and as it is part of environment I tend to leave most alone. I might suggest a slight toning down of some in bg. Pretty bird. Dave
Pose reveals lateral and dorsal feathering very well, Danny !! Feel a severe crop would give greater impact.
Best regards
Rod Warnock
Really nice looking little bird. Love the colors and the turned back look. Cleaner bg would be optimal. I agree with the tighter crop--it minimizes the busy bg and places more emphasis on the bird.
Thanks everybody. I'll tighten this one up and take another look. Stuart, I already tried the pano and it looks pretty cool!

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