A sharp tongue


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wendell westfall

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2008
Costa Mesa, CA
20100929083403 Bolsa Chica green heron-1-Edit-1.jpg

D90 70-200VR+2X@400 1/2000 f5.6 ISO500 -1/3EV handheld

The photo was taken this morning; I did not know the tongue was visible until I got my pictures home. It is a new view of a Greenie for me -- I've seen their tongues, but not sticking out to the side like that (at first I thought it was part of a meal not yet swallowed.)

Wendell I like the tongue but wish that the bird's head was turnd more towards the viewer. It's actually looking away at the moment.

I'll also add that the image looks washed out on my new monitor (hopefully properly calibrated) but I'm sure that someone else will correct me if I've got this observation wrong.
What a great moment which I think overrides the HA, I agree with Stephen regarding the "washed out" comment, perhaps a boost in contrast might work?
Hi Wendell, good timing to capture the tongue sticking out. I like the detail that you captured, especially on the birds wings and shoulder, and the environment that the bird is in. Also like that the entire bird is visible. The closest foot is slightly lifted, that also adds to the image for me. DOF is good, and the different coloured reflections in the blurred BG add some depth. Really think you have captured a nice image of these interesting birds. Head angle doesnt bother me but I do agree with others that the image might benefit from some colour work, perhaps a bit more black would help?
Hi Wendell, the others made some good suggestions already. Is this a large crop by chance? I am finding it hard to see much feather detail. Or did you run NR allover the image?
Stephen, Ken, Grant, Akos: I tried more contrast as most of you suggested, and the image was improved quite a bit. The crop is 50%, Akos (contrast did help the feather detail). No, I did not run NR on the entire image. Thanks to all for the critiques.

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