Wood Duck enjoying the golden light


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Kristin Brown

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

This morning I had the pleasure of photographing with Doug Brown and Walt Anderson. This Wood Duck was taken at the Albuquerque Zoo. I just loved the golden color of the leaves' reflections on the water. C&C welcome....:eek:

Canon 7D
Canon 400mm 5.6
Doesn't get much better than this! Gorgeous water, beautiful plumage, great pose, excellent sharpness, and a perfect exposure. It was a lot of fun!
Take the jump, Kristin! You are more than ready as this images proves...it is a little intimidating but for me, it also raised my personal standard and that is a good thing.

Very well done, my friend.
Nailed it in every sense - Love the colours and the open beak.
Big Congrats :)
Kristin, Kristin, Kristin! Go for it, girl! Don't make us moderators move it for you! This is a beautiful image. ROT's is perfect BTW - and the colors are exquisite. Beautiful detail everywhere and perfect exposure.
WOW, I never saw this overnight in avian and I had a very late night in Sydney (3am).

This is simply spectacular with the open bill the icing on the cake. Big time congrats for an awesome image Kristin. :)
Kristin, this is a fabulous image! Congratulations.
Love the beautiful golden water, the perfectly exposed bird, and the open bill is icing on an already decadent cake. Very well done. I hope to get an opportunity to photograph this species some day soon.
Is moving from the "Eager to Learn" forum to Avian: Image Critiques" forum a new way to praise now? ;)

Don't get me wrong, I understand that the moderators can do whatever they want :p Just wondering what images get to stay on "Eager to Learn" forum and what are the criteria to get promoted :D
Desmond, the ETL forum has two main purposes: 1) it's for anyone eager to learn more about photography and 2) to get used to being "critiqued" by others.

As a moderator of this forum I would hope that people new to photography (or new to a specific genre of photography) would post here so we can help them build their knowledge up AND so they can then feel more comfortable about posting in the other critique forums. Some people choose to stay in ETL because they started here and they always want to learn more - and that's perfectly fine.

Sometimes, though, we all just need a push to go 'run with the big dogs' so to speak - and when someone takes an incredible image (like this one) I think it (and they) deserve that nudge to show off what they did.

It's really a case by case basis, though, as some don't need the encouragement - they post to the other forums when they feel ready but still hang out here for the learning experience. If everyone is telling you that you got it right - and you did get it right - then I feel it deserves to be shared with the other forums.

Kristin is welcome to post to any forum she chooses (as is anyone else) but you'll never grow to your full potential (IMO) if you don't go run with the big dogs now and then. Sharing a great thread with the other forums helps people make that transition. I personally think 90% of the images posted here (as well as the posters) could hold their own in the other forums but I welcome anyone to stay and post here when they want to learn more or have questions about their image or they just don't feel ready to move on.

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