Eastern Screech Owl


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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2008
California, Maryland

Attended one of Alan Murphy's workshops in Alamo, Tx. It was evident he'd done his homework as this bird was exactly where he said it would be at Estero Llano Grande Lake State Park. This is only one of several great images he put us on this trip.
Camera: Canon EOS 1D Mk IV
Lens: 600mm f/4 with a 1.4 TC
Exposure: 1/100 @ f/5.6 +1/3 EC
ISO 400
Great Dean! I really love the monotone with the touch of yellow eyes and bill! I also like the selective focus on the owl with the tree back and front oof!! The bird really stands out!
This is such a killer shot, an awesome owl and I am so envious! The camoflage is amazing here! I think I like the owl in the middle of this particular image. The eyes are just piercing. Thanks for sharing this gem.
Great image. I first thought it might be improved by rotating to make the eyes parallel but a quick try suggests the slight angle adds interest.

I especially appreciate you providing us with information on how you found it.
Wonderful image! The matching textures on the bird and the tree are lovely. I wonder if taking a bit off the top, to move the bird slightly higher in the frame, might improve the composition?


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