Loon streching


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Yves Matteau


I was caoeing in a lake when i saw this loon swimming close to me. I followed quietly during almost one hour taling some nice pictures and finally i am very proud of this one that will be my first to BPN. Sure i would appreciate all remaks to improve myself in this wonderful pastime :photography.

Camera:Canon EOS 20D
Lens: 100-400mm IS USM
ISO: 800
I like the pose, angle and droplets. The image looks a bit soft on my screen and the whites seem to be a bit overexposed. If this is RAW, you could try highlight recovery or curves in your RAW software. The suggested size for posted images is 750 pixels on the longest side. ;)
Thank you for the suggestions. I take note of the remark concerning the size and correct it the next time.
I'd love to see this from the front, but I suppose one can't pay them to do what we want. ;)

As is, it doesn't really do much for me. The details in the wings don't stand out enough to make this one from behind.
What a thrill it must have been see this loon and the action is wonderful. Personally I would like to see more of a head turn and catchlight in the eye. Other nits have already been mentioned.

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