This gull has a FROG in his beak

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Jack Breakfast

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Toronto, ON

Or her beak? Why would I know? Who could sex a gull? Anyhow, I was delighted to see this fine bird coming towards me the other day. At first I didn't know what was dangling from his beak, but never having seen such a combination, I figured I'd share it with you esteemed folks here on the forum. Taken with the Canon 7D and the 200mm f2.8 lens, 1.4 teleconverter. Settings: iso250, 1/1250, f7.1...yes yes, I would have and should have opted for a faster shutter speed, etc etc. but what's done is done. Many thanks for having a look. Obviously I welcome any comments and frog-related advice, etc.
Congrats Jack,
You managed to capture a real Disney moment. Its not often that one gets to see a gull taking his frog buddy for a ride to see what it's like to fly! Nice diagonal line of the bird across the frame and I like the soft detail on the underside of the wings.
Ha! Good one, Steve! I've read your comment, just now, aloud to my wife. She made a face and asked me: "Doesn't he know that the frog is certainly dead and will soon be eaten?" "NO!" I yelled at her, "and don't tell Steve either. He thinks they're good friends flying through a Disney cartoon. Pipe down, killjoy!"
Awesome capture, Jack!

Ha! Good one, Steve! I've read your comment, just now, aloud to my wife. She made a face and asked me: "Doesn't he know that the frog is certainly dead and will soon be eaten?" "NO!" I yelled at her, "and don't tell Steve either. He thinks they're good friends flying through a Disney cartoon. Pipe down, killjoy!"

Hilarious! You guys gave me a good belly laugh!:bg3:
This is a complete package that you've got here:
a. A good moment clicked wonderfully
b. A gripping fairytale story
c. Interesting discussion points

Enjoyed it thoroughly and thanks for sharing.

Glad you enjoyed big face was smiling uncontrollably when I saw them coming towards me...agree with Gail also about the canvas...actually the full-frame image is probably better but I was eager to display the gull/frog as much as possible. Anyhow, thanks again for the praise and suggestions...

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