Evening Grosbeak


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Mike Osborne

Active member
Feb 4, 2012
New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada
Evening  Grosbeak.JPG

I took this shot in Algonquin Park, Canada. It was from a set-up perch stuck into a snowbank at the end of a road in a shaded area. Seed was used to attract birds.

Canon 7d, 500f4, tripod/wimberley head, no flash
1/400 f5.6 ISO400

One round of sharpening was done in Canon Digital Photo Pro and cropping to vertical from horizontal in Photoshop CS4
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Wonderful pose and background. Interesting perch. The snow on the beak tip is frosting on the cake!
Welcome to BPN! Great post. I like the perch with the moss. Nice moody BG and good IQ. I like the snow on the beak,
A big welcome to BPN Mike, and hope you enjoy your stay. Super pose, on a great lichen covered perch. Lovely yellows and blacks on this species, but I feel the grosbeak is a touch under exposed. Since this is a set up, could you move the perch to create a more uniform BG.
Thanks everyone for the compliments and criticism. Stuart, I don't think I could have moved the perch in this case. Another photographer had set up the perch in an area of the park where many people feed the birds. If I moved the perch far I would have risked losing the birds (this is a first for me to get decent shots of this species). The spot where the setup was had a cedar background in almost every angle, there was fresh snow sitting on the boughs and were causing drastic highlights in the background. As it was, to get the background I had, I had my tripod stuck in a snowbank and one knee up on the snow as well. There were also 5 other photographers that may have objected as well. Thank you though for the critique.

Jim I noticed the little spot after I was done cropping it but decided to leave it to see if anyone else noticed it. I entered this photo in a competition locally through a photo club I belong to, I'll have to check if that crop included this little spot as well.

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