Saki Monkeys along the Amazon

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Linda Dulak

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2008
Eastern Shore, Maryland

Another image of a monkey species I'd not been aware of prior to our boat trip on the Amazon in Peru. Taken from a skiff (with about a dozen other people), hand held. First we had to locate the monkeys and then try to get a shot of them while the skiff was moving and turning. Not the best of conditions due to shooting towards the sky, but after getting it on the computer I could appreciate their funny faces. The guides called these Equatorial Saki's in contrast to another species, the Monk Saki's. However, I can't find a lot of information about them. The guides commented that the tails used to be used as table dusters by the people in the region. Now they are protected in, at least, this area which bordered a national preserve. While some of the background is a bit messy, it was their environment, high in the trees.

Nikon D7000, ISO 800, f10, 1/250 sec, EC + 0.67, 80-400 @ 300
PP: cropped, levels, S/H to lighten the left monkey's face, sharpening
Very difficult conditions for photography indeed, and it's probably close to a miracle to get a shot at all, so well done. I think maybe an aperture of say f6.3 would of given a little more shutter speed and possibly increased sharpness, cute little monkeys !
Hi Linda, shooting images like this are always tricky and as mention earlier, you have certainly done well to achieve what you have. Certainly, as Phil mentioned, shooting wider to give more SS would have helped in terms of IQ and perhaps reduce any handshake that may have also come into play, albeit minimal. Just looking at the fur of the monkeys and I think some reduction in both the Blue & Magenta will help, likewise adding some vibrancy/saturation in the foliage too.

I would also second Andreas comment about seeing a different species, thank you.

Hi Linda
"Very difficult conditions for photography indeed, and it's probably close to a miracle to get a shot at all, so well done. I think maybe an aperture of say f6.3 would of given a little more shutter speed and possibly increased sharpness, cute little monkeys"
I agree with Phil, as these monkeys are not on my normal agenda and considering the position you were in, I think you have done well.
Thanks for sharing and best wishes,

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