Omicron Heron

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Jim Keener

BPN Member
Nov 6, 2013
Idyllwild, California

While making a trip across the Southwest US in early October, I made a pilgrimage to Bosque del Apache, first going to the Boardwalk. As I was setting up my gear, the few Sandhill Cranes that were there flew off. But this Heron kept me entertained for some time, once flying about ten feet off my left shoulder.


Just after sunrise. The bird and light are beautiful to my eyes. My biggest concern are the spots on the background. I tried a few things to take them out, but continued to see faint smudges. Perhaps the spots are better left alone. Please let me know.

Shot with a Canon 1DX, 500mm f/4 w/ 1.4X TC. ISO 400, 1/2000, f/5.6. Some retouching in Lightroom. Cropped for 1X1.

Thanks for the view. C&C welcome.
I have to agree with the above post...very nice reflection but the spots/debris on the water are distracting and almost looks like a dirty sensor in need of a cleaning. One last thing I would like to have seen is...the bird coming towards me or more from the side to get a better view of it. But...sometimes we gotta take what we can get!
Reflection and symmetry are wonderful. I'd just clean up the fuzzy spots above the bird. Maybe try to fix the highlights/focus on the head and beak but that's no big deal for me given everything else. Very nice!
When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought,"This must belong in the OOTB forum, but then when I opened it, I saw this beautifully balanced reflection. Agree with cleaning up the spots.
heron_sunrise-3 copy.jpg

I did a quick (10 minute) deletion of all the spots. Magic wand at 20 percent, delete, leaving only the bird. then on blank layer, fill with color of background. (may have missed a few spots since I was rushing through) You may not want to delete all the spots, but just a suggestion of a quick way to do it if you want to go that route. Love the bird!
I eliminated most of the brown spots, trying to leave enough in for verisimilitude. Looking back, the water was as still as could be.

Really nice repost Jim. I love the symmetry.
Th head of the bird looks slightly hot and may benefit from being toned down slightly? It could just be my monitor though.


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