Will be in Tempa area for 7 days


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Corey Hayes

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
Starting March 7th to the 14 and I am planning on spending multiple days at both Fort DeSoto and Circle B looking for not only birds bit also any other wildlife I can find especially reptiles.
I was also looking at Honeymoon island but is it worth going too or is it the same DeSoto?

Any other places that are recommended I check out in the area?
Honeymoon Island is pretty good right now. There is a great horned owl nest which has young in it. They are just starting to show above the branches. There is an eagles nest with young, although I am not sure how good a shoot it is. I hear there is a pretty good osprey nest there. Honeymoon is quite a bit different from Fort Desoto and if you are going to be here several days, I think it would be worth the trip. You can ask the park ranger upon entry which way to the owl and eagle's nest.

You will have luck with reptiles at Circle B. I would suggest you "LIKE" Circle B Bar Reserve - Polk Nature Discovery Center Facebook page and you will see what's going on on a daily basis over there. There is usually a bobcat seen every day, many alligators, and many birds. You can ask specific questions on their FB page and the people on the page are very helpful.

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