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Glennie Passier

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2010






Gabriela, Please don't think you have to include these images. They are not the quality of the images in this forum. I know they're fatally flawed by slow SS and a few too many birds in the BG etc, but thought they were interesting enough.

Rainbow lorikeets are generally comical and tolerant of each other. This squabble broke out, I am assuming, over a female. It lasted six seconds.

C&C Always welcomed and appreciated!
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Hi Glennie, I think these images do a very good job of showing the interaction among the rivals. The third frame is my favorite with one bird seeming to bite the other - fitting your title Rivalry very well. Cool story and thanks for sharing!
Hello Glennie,

What an amazing and colourful world you have captured! From subjects to perch to BG, every frame is a kaleidoscope of colour. Lots of action and a nice build-up to the final scene where everything seems to fall into place - now order is "restored"! This sequence must have taken some time and quite a bit of work - I am sure you are so pleased with the outcome! I certainly enjoyed viewing:)

I like the way you have captured this aspect of behaviour of the species. I also like the inclusion of the other two characters "in the shadows", they are "whispering" in the corner which adds to the dramatic content. Perhaps they are "gossiping" about the main protagonists?

Frames well exposed Glennie, we do not talk too much about techs and PP work here but I do believe you have done a nice job with processing. I would have really liked the airborne subject in frame no. 4 to be in focus but difficult to anticipate I guess, if you plan to post more from this event in the Avian Forum I humbly suggest you take care of those few bright spots on the perch. Love the colours, very much. Have you considered sending your best frames to a birding magazine or to some calendar makers/printers?
Many thanks for sharing, I so appreciate your contribution here! Well done Glennie, and congratulations:cheers:

Kind regards,
Posting here takes quite a bit of time and effort, a number of frames needed, storytelling with photography is not easy. One needs to find and capture the right subject (an interesting enough subject) who does something worth telling a tale. So glad you like Glennie's work, dear Jim! Appreciate your time to view, as well as comments:5

Kind regards,
A well worthwhile sequence I enjoyed looking at the interaction, I got it wrong I figured the wrong bird to be the more dominant!

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