A new life is born


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Apr 18, 2016











Last Sunday I and a befriended photographer witnessed a special moment at the local zoo (Tiergarten Nürnberg). It is an alpine ibex.
Hello Christian!

And warmest welcome to Story Sequences Forum -you have captured something so special and so rarely seen!

We do have a rule that allows for a maximum of 5 images but I guess we should make an exception here, such unique is your photo essay. Who is the other character in frame no 7? He - or she - seems to take a special interest in the newborn. I really think you must share frame no 5 in the Wildlife Forum, should you need help with PP work please send me a PM:)
Love the title, those intimate close-ups, vulnerability of the newborn. Nice work in the field, powerful frames and so evocative. Good composition and timing. Beautiful, thank you so much for sharing:cheers:

Kind regards,
Hello Gabriela!

Thank you very much for your supportive comment. I am sorry for breaking the rule and it won't happen again :).
The character in no 7 is another female steinbock that shows its interest in the new family member. The birth giving mother could have retreated to a more private place in the compound. Either she didn't care for the visitors or there was no time.

I am not sure what the best cropping for close-ups would be. Should I clip the horns as in 5 or is it better to keep it as in 6.

Best wishes,
Christian, I THANK YOU! Rules are there to be broken, especially when there's good reason, LOL. I truly loved your sequence!

Regarding your question about crop, I personally prefer the image where the subject has the horns in. Although I must admit, both frames work. It's just the composition that's so pleasing in no. 6, I like the head angle from the mother. Please send me a PM if you wish to submit an image in the Wildlife forum, I picked up a few colour casts and a few minor things ( HL a tad too bright in some images), together we can work on those, I will do my best to help.

Thank you so much for info on the other female (frame 7), I find this so interesting! Wonderful work Christian, I surely hope to see more from you - not just here, but in various forums on BPN!

Hope you have a wonderful evening,

Warmest regards,

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