Bald Eagle

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Marlo Casabar

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2016
Bald Eagle-1.jpg

I had the pleasure of visiting Conowingo Dam in Maryland. Of the three days I shot, I think this is my favorite shot. I have shots of Eagles catching fish, flying by with fish, getting chased by other eagles. This is my favorite because of the overall lighting and detail.

Canon 7D Mk II 600mm f/4L IS II USM with 1.4x III
1/3200 f/6.3 ISO 400 0EV
Edited in LR
You are right that the light and details look good. I also like that the eagle is angling towards you. The one thing knocking points off the image is the less than ideal "pancake" flat wing position. Having them on the up or down stroke would have been best.
Thanks for your comments, Daniel. Is there a reason that wings full up or full down is preferred? I'm new to BIF photography and every bit of information is so helpful to me.

Hi Marlo, it just makes for a more dynamic and visually rich image. When we see the full thickness of the wing, and all the feather layers and details that comes with those up or down positions, plus the sense of power of full flight, it all adds up for a more engaging image...IMO of course!:S3:
Hi Marlo

a flat wing position is just not attractive generally speaking as it doesn't show the top or under side of the wing. Those areas usually have interesting patterns and feathers plus it adds a more sense of size and depth to the image.

i moved this to ETL because I think other viewers can also benefit from the critique points re wing position
Mario, nice shot of the eagle, but as others have stated not an ideal wing position, but what thrill to have witnessed and photographed.

Mario this must have been an incredible experience to photograph,these eagles. A lovely image I like how he's moving towards you and the slight angle of the wings. I have found the notes on wing position really interesting as well

take care


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